Single-node cluster (cluster-of-one) Installation

Before You Begin

Before continuing, you should have followed the OVA installation according to the steps and preliminary requirements specified in: Create a New VM Using the Platform-Install OVA


  • Template installation and upgrade takes approximately two hours. You can follow the progress on the GUI transaction list.

The standard screen command should be used where indicated. See: Using the screen command.


  1. Install VMware tools:

    1. Log in on the node as the platform user and run app install vmware.
    2. Verify that vmware is running: app list.
  2. Prepare the node to be added as a single-node cluster (“cluster-of-one”).

    Run cluster prepnode.

  3. Add the node to the cluster: cluster add <ip_addr>.

    1. Verify the node is listed in the cluster: cluster list. Example:

      platform@VOSS:~$ cluster list
      Cluster has 1 nodes:
              application :
              webproxy :
              database :
  4. Initialize the database and clear all data with the voss cleardown command.

    Note that this step may take some time. You can follow the process by running log follow upgrade_db.log or log follow voss-deviceapi/app.log.

  5. Add the network domain (optional if a domain name is needed).

    1. Configure the domain: cluster run all network domain <domain_name>.
    2. Verify the configured network domain: cluster run all network domain. The node shows the domain that you configured.
  6. Check the network:

    1. Run cluster check to verify the status of the cluster, network connectivity, disk status and NTP.
    2. Verify the DNS configuration: cluster run all network dns. The node responds with the DNS server address.
  7. (Optional) Run system shutdown.

    1. Take a VMWare snapshot of the node and then remove any previous snapshot.
    2. Restart the node: run the system reboot command.
  8. Import the templates.

    1. Copy the VOSS-4-UC template file to the node with the command:

      scp <VOSS-4-UC_template_file> platform@<ip_address>:~/media

    2. Log in to the node and install the template. It is recommended that this step is run in a terminal opened with the screen command.

      1. Run screen.
      2. Run app template media/<VOSS-4-UC_template_file>
      • The console will display a message:

        Deploying the template-product for VOSS-4-UC <<RELEASE_VERSION>> ...
    3. When prompted to select the product deployment type, provide and confirm the deployment type:

      • Enterprise
      • Provider without HCM-F
      • Provider with HCM-F

      In accordance with the selected deployment type, you are prompted to enter and verify a top-level administrator password:

      • Enterprise : Please enter a password for "entadmin@sys.hcs"
      • Provider : Please enter a password for "hcsadmin@sys.hcs"

      Upon installation, the password length should be at least 8 characters.

      Deployment-specific artifacts are installed according to the selected type of product deployment. A message displays according to the selected deployment type - one of:

      "Importing EnterpriseOverlay.json"
      "Importing ProviderOverlay_Hcmf.json ..."
      "Importing ProviderOverlay_Decoupled.json ..."

      Deployment specific system artifacts are imported and a message is displayed:

      Deployment-specific Overlay artifacts successfully imported.
      1. Python functions are deployed
      2. System artifacts are imported.
      3. You are prompted to provide administrator passwords.

      The template install automatically restarts necessary applications. The installation propagates changes throughout the cluster.

  9. Review the output from the app template commands and confirm that the install message appears:

    Deployment summary of UPDATED template solution (i.e. current values after installation):
    Product: [PRODUCT]
    Iteration-version: [UPDATED ITERATION]
    Platform-version: [UPDATED PLATFORM VERSION]

    You can also monitor the template installation from the Admin Portal transaction list.

    • If there are no errors indicated, we recommend that you make a snapshot:
      1. From the node, run system shutdown.
      2. Take a VMWare snapshot of the node and then remove any previous snapshot.
      3. Restart the node.
    • If there was an error, the install script stops with a failure message listing the problem. Contact VOSS Support.
  10. Check for needed security updates by running the security check command. If at least one update is required for any node, run the security update command.

    After the security update is successful, reboot: run system reboot.

    Since all services will be stopped, this takes some time.

    If the node does not properly reboot but the console shows that all processes have terminated, you can manually reboot without any system corruption.

  11. (Optional) Install language templates for languages other than English.

    1. Copy the language template file to the primary Unified node with the command:

      scp <language_template_file> platform@<ip_address>:~/media

    2. Log in to the primary Unified node and install the template with the command:

      app template media/<language_template_file>

      For example, to install French:

      app template media/VOSS-4-UCLanguagePack_fr-fr.template

  12. (Optional) If the VOSS-4-UC Phone Based Registration Add-on is required, follow the installation instructions in the Appendix of your Core Feature Guide:

    “Install the Phone Based Registration Web Service”

  13. Run the following command:

    voss migrate_summary_attributes device/cucm/HuntPilot