Installation Quick Reference


  • These steps are described in depth in the VOSS-4-UC Install Guide.

  • From VOSS-4-UC 18.1 or CUCDM 11.5.3 onwards, the standard screen command should be used where indicated, and the reconnect parameter is available if needed:

    • screen - start a new session
    • screen -ls - show sessions already available
    • screen -r [screen PID] - reconnect to a disconnected session

    VOSS recommends to use the screen command to avoid failures if the connection is interrupted whilst running the command. If the connection is interrupted whilst running the command in screen then the session can be retrieved by first listing the sessions PID currently running in screen: screen -ls, and then reconnecting to the session using screen -r [screen PID].

General Steps

  1. Download VOSS-4-UC install and patch media from: > Downloads > VOSS-4-UC > 21.1 > New Installation

  2. Review sizing requirements and define the deployment model:

    • Single node cluster/cluster-of-one (Lab Only)
    • MicroCluster (Two Unified nodes clustered)
    • Cluster (4 Unified Nodes and 2 Web Proxies)
    • DR Cluster (6 Unified Nodes and 2 Web Proxies)
  3. Define VMHost space on VMWare servers

  4. Deploy the VOSS-4-UC OVA to VMHost(s)

  5. After the VM is created, select the CD ROM configuration and verify the Connect at Power On check box is enabled.

  6. Power on the VM.

  7. Configure the options in the installation wizard.

  8. Install VMWare Tools from VOSS-4-UC CLI as platform user:

    command: app install vmware

  9. Continue below to chosen deployment model.

Single Node Cluster Deployment

  1. Prepare the node for cluster command via the SSH CLI:

    command: cluster prepnode

  2. Add the node to the cluster:

    command: cluster add <node_ip-address>

  3. Verify the node is a member of the cluster:

    command: cluster list

  4. Initialize the database and clear all data with the voss cleardown command.

    Note that this step may take some time. You can follow the process by running log follow upgrade_db.log or log follow voss-deviceapi/app.log.

  5. (Optional) Set VOSS-4-UC Network Domain:

    command: cluster run all network domain <yourdomain>

  6. Check application status:

    command: cluster status

    • Should any services be in a down state, restart all services on that affected node:

      command: cluster run <node_ip> app start

  7. Run the command: voss cleardown.

  8. SFTP the install templates to the VOSS-4-UC server media directory

  9. Install VOSS-4-UC Templates via VMWare Console CLI. From VOSS-4-UC 18.1 or CUCDM 11.5.3 onwards, VOSS recommends that this step is run in a terminal opened with the screen command, or on the VMWare console.

    1. Run screen.
    2. Run app template media/<VOSS-4-UC_Template_Name>.
    • A Deployment Type choice must be made during the template install execution. Choose one of:

      • Enterprise
      • Provider without HCM-F
      • Provider with HCM-F

      In accordance with the selected deployment type, you are prompted to enter and verify a top-level administrator password:

      • Enterprise : Please enter a password for "entadmin@sys.hcs"
      • Provider : Please enter a password for "hcsadmin@sys.hcs"

      Upon installation, the password length should be at least 8 characters.

Multi Node Deployment

All of the following commands will be run on the primary node via the SSH CLI until specified to use ESX Console CLI. The designation of primary unified node is arbitrary. The deploying administrator can pick any unified node that they see fit.

  1. On each node that is not the designated primary unified node. prepare the servers for cluster command via the SSH CLI:

    command: cluster prepnode

  2. Add all of the other nodes to the cluster:

    command: cluster add <non-primary-node_ip-address>

    Repeat this command for each other node - binding each individual node IP Address to the cluster. This command does not need to be run for the primary unified node.

  3. Verify all nodes are members of the cluster:

    command: cluster list

  4. (Optional) Set VOSS-4-UC Network Domain:

    command: cluster run all network domain <yourdomain>

  5. Set each unified node’s database weight:

    command: database weight <un-node_ip-address> <priority_weight>

    • This command must be run for all unified nodes primary and secondary.
    • Priority weights of 40, 30 are recommended for two Unified nodes.
    • Priority weights of 40, 30, 20, and 10 are recommended for four Unified nodes
    • Priority weights of 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, and 10 are recommended for six Unified nodes.
  6. Provision the VOSS-4-UC cluster database. From VOSS-4-UC 18.1 or CUCDM 11.5.3 onwards, VOSS recommends that this step is run in a terminal opened with the screen command, or on the VMWare console.

    1. Run screen.
    2. command: cluster provision
  7. Check cluster application status:

    command: cluster status

    • Should any services be in a down state, restart all services on that affected node:

      command: cluster run <node_ip> app start

  8. Run the command: voss cleardown.

  9. SFTP the install templates to the VOSS-4-UC server media directory of the primary unified node.

  10. Install VOSS-4-UC Templates via VMWare Console CLI of primary unified node. From VOSS-4-UC 18.1 or CUCDM 11.5.3 onwards, VOSS recommends that this step is run in a terminal opened with the screen command, or on the VMWare console.

    1. Run screen.
    2. Run app template media/<VOSS-4-UC_Template_Name>
  11. A Deployment Type choice must be made during the template install execution. Choose one of:

    • Enterprise
    • Provider without HCM-F
    • Provider with HCM-F

    In accordance with the selected deployment type, you are prompted to enter and verify a top-level administrator password:

    • Enterprise : Please enter a password for "entadmin@sys.hcs"
    • Provider : Please enter a password for "hcsadmin@sys.hcs"

    Upon installation, the password length should be at least 8 characters.

Post Deployment

  1. Access the VOSS-4-UC web interface via any web browser:


  2. Run the following security commands:

    • cluster check - inspect entries under security.
    • If needed, security update.
  3. Run the following command:

    voss migrate_summary_attributes device/cucm/HuntPilot