Webex Teams Workspaces¶
Workspaces of various types - such as Meeting rooms or open spaces can be defined in VOSS-4-UC.
The data entered on this input form is formatted as a sequence of steps in an email message to be carried out on the Webex Teams Control Hub. See: Global Settings for an email message example.
Provide a workspace Name, Capacity and select a workspace Type.
Use the Send Device Activation Code To field for the email address(es) where the device type code is sent. This code is unique to this created workspace and is entered into the device itself.
Once the code is created, the Device Activation Code (read only) value is returned and shown, as well as its Device Activation Code Expiration Date. A VOSS-4-UC schedule checks the expiration date and generates a new code. The SIP Address of the workspace is also shown.
The Calling group has options for the Calling Behavior (free or hybrid) The hybrid calling option allows for a Site to be selected, as well as a Directory Number that is available.
The Mail ID input is then generated, using:
+ the email hostname set up for the Webex Teams service, for examplewt_886821663180@myhost.com
.A subscriber user for the device is then added at the selected site (Site), with:
- User Id and Last Name:
- First Name: workspace Name
- Primary Extension: Directory Number
- Phone: Spark Remote device with workspace specific settings
- User Id and Last Name:
Once the device code is entered, the VOSS-4-UC form also shows the details of the device associated with the workspace in the Devices group, for example: Product, Connection Status and IP Address. A link to the device is then also available, to show details (read only) as listed under the Devices menu for Webex Teams.
The added workspace is listed on the Workspaces menu.