Number Cooling Auto Expiry Schedule

The Number Cooling Auto Expiry Schedule (IniCoolingExpiryCleanupService) is a background process that runs daily to poll the Cooling End Date field on the Number Inventory list view, in order to determine which numbers have completed their cooling period.

Numbers that have reached their cooling end date are returned to the pool of available numbers at the specific hierarchy.

This process picks up any numbers with a cooling end date within the last 20 days. In this way, it can identify any numbers that reached their cooling end date while the system was down, or if the schedule was disabled for any reason.

Numbers with a cooling end date older than 20 days must be removed from cooling manually. A system administrator can manually release any cooled number, regardless of its cooling end date.


An hcsadmin user (or higher) can view and manage the Number Cooling Auto Expiry Schedule (IniCoolingExpiryCleanupService) from the Scheduling list view.

While the hcsadmin user can edit this schedule, for example change the execution time or timezone, the schedule must run every day and should not be disabled.

See Also: