INI Purge Tool¶
Number Inventory entries can be deleted in bulk by using the INI Purge Tool.
High level administrators with access to the view called INI_Purge_Tool_View
can expose this tool for user by updating menu layouts and access profiles for
This Tool has been designed to remove DNs without taking into account the Status of the DN, so that DNs can be completely removed and then redeployed. In normal circumstances you cannot delete a DN if it is in use by a Phone.
For example, DNs may have been deployed incorrectly at Site level instead of at Customer level. You can therefore “Purge” all the DNs entries at the Site and re-add them at Customer level. The DN Audit Tool then needs to be run to update the DNs to the correct Status.
Using the INI Purge Tool
Navigate to the required hierarchy and select the INI_Purge_Tool_View.
From the Ini Purge Tool View form, an INI Option can be selected.
Special characters in INI entry numbers are also supported, for example
.The drop down list options are:
- All INI at Hierarchy: applies to all INI numbers at the current hierarchy.
- Range of INI Entries: exposes Range Start Number and Range End Number drop down lists to choose the range.
- Picked List of INI Entries: exposes Picked INI Entries transfer boxes: Available and Selected. to choose a selection of entries.
- Specific INI Entry: provides a Specific INI Entry drop down list to select a single entry.
Click Save to carry out the purge task.
Inspect the log from the Transaction menu - the Action carried out is a Bulk Delete from the Internal Number Inventory. Deleted numbers are removed and are not available from the Internal Number Inventory list view.
Where more than 1000 entries are to be purged, the transaction will show sub-transactions deleting the entries in chunks of 1000. A successful sub-transaction then shows the message per chunk: “[1000 / 1000] were deleted successfully”.