Add E164 Inventory

This procedure defines an inventory of E164 numbers available to users at a customer hierarchy only.


Each addition to the E164 Inventory must contain a unique set of numbers. That is, you cannot assign the same number more than once (globally).

Perform these steps:

  1. Choose Number Management > Add E164 Inventory (default).

    You can navigate to a specific hierarchy if needed.

  2. Provide the following information:

Fields Description
Site For a site-specific E164 inventory, select the customer site. For a customer-wide E164 inventory, leave this field unset.
Country* Select the country associated with the E164 inventory. If a site was specified, this field is automatically populated with the country associated with the site. This field is mandatory.
Country Code The country code for the selected country. Refer to this read-only field when specifying the Starting Number and Ending Number fields which must contain a valid country code.
Starting Number* Enter the starting number of the range of E164 numbers. The field is populated with ‘+’ followed by the country code for the selected country. Append the rest of the starting number after the country code. This field is mandatory.
Ending Number Enter the ending number of the range of E164 numbers. The format is the same as the Starting Number. This field is optional. If not provided, the single E164 Number specified in the Starting Number is added. If provided, the range of E164 Numbers is added: Starting Number, Ending Number, inclusive. A maximum of 1000 numbers can be added at a time.
Number Type Number type,e.g. geo, non geo, etc. Informational only. The field may be hidden.
  1. Click Save.