.. _add_e164_inventory:

Add E164 Inventory

This procedure defines an inventory of E164 numbers available to users at
a customer hierarchy *only*.

.. important::

   Each addition to the E164 Inventory must contain a unique set of numbers.
   That is, you cannot assign the same number more than once (globally).

**Perform these steps**:

1. Choose **Number Management > Add E164 Inventory** (default).

   You can navigate to a specific hierarchy if needed.

#. Provide the following information:

.. tabularcolumns:: |p{3cm}|p{12cm}|

| Fields          | Description                                                                   |
|                 | For a site-specific E164 inventory, select the                                |
| Site            | customer site. For a customer-wide E164                                       |
|                 | inventory, leave this field unset.                                            |
|                 | Select the country associated with the E164                                   |
|                 | inventory. If a site was specified, this field                                |
| Country*        | is automatically populated with the country                                   |
|                 | associated with the site. This field is                                       |
|                 | mandatory.                                                                    |
|                 | The country code for the selected country. Refer                              |
| Country Code    | to this read-only field when specifying the                                   |
|                 | **Starting Number** and **Ending Number** fields which                        |
|                 | must contain a valid country code.                                            |
|                 | Enter the starting number of the range of E164                                |
|                 | numbers. The field is populated with '+' followed                             |
| Starting Number*| by the country code for the selected country.                                 |
|                 | Append the rest of the starting number after the                              |
|                 | country code. This field is mandatory.                                        |
|                 | Enter the ending number of the range of E164                                  |
|                 | numbers. The format is the same as the **Starting                             |
|                 | Number**. This field is optional. If not provided,                            |
| Ending Number   | the single E164 Number specified in the                                       |
|                 | **Starting Number** is added. If provided, the range                          |
|                 | of E164 Numbers is added: **Starting Number**,                                |
|                 | **Ending Number**, inclusive. A maximum of 1000                               |
|                 | numbers can be added at a time.                                               |
| Number Type     | Number type,e.g. geo, non geo, etc. Informational only. The field may be      |
|                 | hidden.                                                                       |

3. Click **Save**.