Viewing Log Details�
The Log details modal provides a detailed history of a running transaction, separated in to logical sections. The details automatically update every ten seconds, so there is no need to re-open the modal to obtain the latest data.

The above demonstrates a typical Log created when provisioning batch data records to VOSS Automate.
Details of the Log such as its message, start time and duration are displayed at the top.
The warning and error count, as shown on the Log dashboard, appear next to the title.
The option displayed here depends on the current state of the Log:
If the Log is in an active state (Processing or Queued), you have the ability to Cancel the transaction.
If the Log is in a completed state, you have the ability to Replay the transaction with the same chosen settings. This will create a separate Log which must be accessed through the Log Dashboard.
The Log can contain a list of sequential log messages known as Entries.
The Log can initialise its own long running processes, known as Sub Logs.
The Log can process in multiple stages, each with a measure of its own Progresses.
The Log can produce its own set of Files.
Each Log produces a series of sequential messages during its operation, which are displayed under the Entries tab. The messages typically provide information about the running transaction, but can also contain download links or additional actions.

The total number of Log Entries is displayed on the tab.
The level of the Log is displayed in this column, the available levels are:
Info (I)
Warning (W)
Error (E)
Critical (C)
Debug (D)
If an Entry has more detail than can be displayed on the row, a magnifying glass will be displayed. Clicking on the Entry row will display more information.
Sub Logs�
To provide organisational structure to a Log�s message output, Logs are sometimes organised in to Sub Logs. For instance, when provisioning records to VOSS Automate, each record will have its own Sub Log detailing its provisioning history.

Clicking on a Sub Log will alter the currently shown modal to display the detail of that Log. To return back to the original (parent) Log, click the Parent Log hyperlink.

A Log may progress in stages, and the current percentage progress of each stage can be viewed in the Progress tab. The below image illustrates the progression of stages for a VOSS Automate import:

A Log may produce files which can be retrieved from the Files tab. Each file can be downloaded individually, or all may be downloaded at once as a single .zip file by clicking the Download All action.