Editing Fields in a Batch

With the Batch now open, it is possible to edit the format of the values within the fields.

The format will be either: String, Number, Macro, True, False or Null.

How to change the format of a single value

1. Click on a cell in the table. A menu bar will pop up displaying the possible format options.


Format options include:

  • A-z - String (Text)

  • 0-9 - Integer (Number)

  • Macro - Object (VOSS Macro)

  • True - Boolean

  • False - Boolean

  • Null - Null


The box around the cell turns red if data entered is not of the selected type.

  1. Entering a True, False or Null. Click on the desired value and the cell will be updated.

    • True (red)

    • False (green)

    • Null (orange)

  2. Clearing the cell.

    • Click on the relevant cell and then the red dustbin icon in the options bar to remove all formatting or values.

Changing the format of entire columns

  • At the bottom of each field column there is a Multi-update input box.

  • Anything entered into this box will update all values in that column with the entered value.


    Press Enter and then click OK to update all values.

    Multi-update options include:

    • Set as TEXT - Converts entire column to text format (STRING).

    • Set as NUMBER - Converts entire column to number format (INTEGER). Values which cannot be converted to a valid number will not be modified.

    • Set as MACRO - Converts entire column to macro format (VOSS MACRO).

    • Set to TRUE - Converts entire column to true (BOOLEAN).

    • Set to FALSE - Converts entire column to false (BOOLEAN).

    • Set to NULL - Converts entire column to null (NULL).

    • Set to EMPTY - Converts the entire column to empty string (��).

    • Delete - Removes the values in the column.

Filtering before Multi-input

If a field is filtered, the value in the Multi-input box will only be entered into the cells still visible after filtering.

For example, if a filter is set up so that only empty cells are shown in a particular column, using the Multi-update on that column will only change the empty cells.