Search Syntax

The query input box can be used to construct a search query. This section describes the syntax of a search query.

Search queries can contain:

  • Model type and model name references

  • Model attribute and nested model attribute references

  • Key words

  • Brackets for grouping

  • Query string to search for

    Valid query string characters are:

    • alphanumeric characters
    • !@#$%^&*-_=+<,.>/?|[{]}~`
    • to search for single quote in a string, wrap the string in double quotes
    • to search for double quote in a string, wrap the string in single quotes

Since a search query is carried out on models, the specific model type and model name can be specified in the query.

The query format is indicated below:

type/name is the syntax for a full reference to a model type (for example relation, data, or device) and model name (for example Countries).

A number of keywords are available to construct a search query.