Language Availability and Installation

Administrators can select the language that users use for their respective portal.

The language can also be selected as a paramater on the login URL, for example the parameter for Spanish (Spain):

  • Admin Portal: https://<hostname>/login/?language=es-es
  • Self-service GUI: https://<hostname>/selfservice/#/login?lang=es-es

If the language in this parameter is not available, the login page will revert to the default language.

The default language remains American English and if no language file is activated, this is presented in all areas of the web and phone interface.

The following languages are currently available:

  • English – US (Default) : Admin Portal, Self-Service GUI
  • Dutch : Self-Service GUI
  • French : Self-Service GUI
  • German : Self-Service GUI
  • Italian : Self-Service GUI
  • Spanish : Self-Service GUI


The languages listed above are available at release time. However, other languages may be added between releases. Contact your VOSS account manager or support team for the latest list of language packs.

By selecting a language option for a user, the administrator overrides any browser settings which may have automatically defaulted to the in-country language. For administrator and self service users, this simply dictates the language. presented when using the Admin Portal.

The installation of other languages is managed from the Command Line Interface (CLI). The language template file is copied to the system using scp and from the primary Unified node, installed with the app template command:

  1. Copy the language template file to any Unified node with the command:

    scp <language_template_file> platform@<unified_node_ip_address>:~/media

  2. Log in to the primary Unified node and install the template with the command:

    app template media/<language_template_file>

    For example, to install French:

    app template media/VOSS-4-UCLanguagePack_fr-fr.template

    On a multinode system, there is no need to run this command on all nodes.

Also refer to the multinode and single node cluster installation steps in the Install Guide for details.