Export Data Sheet Layout

This topic describes an exported sheet, either formatted or not formatted.

For both exported sheet formats, the header and column layout shows correspondences with the Bulk Load Template sheet.

The following items apply to sheets containing data exports:

  • The # Comment column shows the text “Exported data” in green for each row of data.

  • The # Hierarchy Node column shows the source hierarchy of the exported row. The hierarchy: value in the sheet header shows the hierarchy from which the data export was run.

  • If device instances were exported, the # Device columns shows the business key of the device (for example, comma-separated: host, port, hierarchy).

  • If a Configuration Template was applied during the export - for example if it applied to the Admin Portal form - # CFT Template column will show this name for each row, as well as the template value in the sheet header. If a sheet is used for loading, the row value overrides the sheet header value.

  • The # Unique Identifier contains the pkid that is used to identify the exported resource represented in the row data. On modify, delete, execute, and custom action operations, this pkid is used to identify the resource instance on the database represented in the row data.

    The pkid field:

    • takes precedence over the search fields criteria when locating a resource
    • is unique to the resource on the particular database and cannot be relied upon when attempting to manipulate an identical resource on a different database
  • For a formatted Excel export, the columns in the sheet correspond with an exported Bulk Load Template sheet.

  • For a non-formatted Excel exported sheet, the columns correspond with the properties of an exported JSON file. For example, only properties where strings are not empty and boolean values are set, are exported.

  • A formatted, exported sheet of data can be used just as a Bulk Load Template sheet to bulk load data. For other Actions, the # Search Fields column needs to be completed. Refer to Bulk Load Template Sheet Layout.

  • “Default” values of attributes in any Not Grouped Fields group need to be removed from a sheet before it is used to bulk load rows.

  • The rows and data in the columns of an exported sheet are bound by the limitations of the MS Excel format. For example, model data with property values longer than 32,767 characters (maximum length of MS Excel cell contents) will be truncated in the exported sheet.