Custom Icon Names Reference
This reference shows the icons associated with the Icon name drop-downs
in the interface.
To associate the icon of the in the drop-down, inspect the titles below,
remove the title hyphens and capitalize the first letter of each word.
The section headings below show the first and last icon names in each section.
“3d Rotation” to “Assignment Return”

“Assignment Returned” to “Bug Report”

“Build” to “Colorize”

“Do Not Disturb Alt” to “Filter 4”

“Filter 5” to “Forum”

“Insert Chart” to “Local gas Station”

“Local Grocery Store” to “More Vert”

“Motorcycle” to “Perm Identity”

“Public” to “Sd Card”

“Sd Storage” to “Sms”

“Sms Failed” to “Texture”

“Theaters” to “View Quilt”

“View Stream” to “Zoom Out Map”