Enable Health Monitoring

The steps below are to enable health monitoring if the system status displays HEALTH: NOT MONITORED upon login or when typing help.

  1. Add an email relay address for outgoing email: add the SMTP IP address:

    notify emailrelay <smtp ip address>

    For example:

    platform@host:~$ notify emailrelay

    The email relay can be verified with:

    notify emailrelay

    To disable or remove an external email relay or set the email relay back to default, use the following command:

    notify emailrelay

  2. Add a schedule instance for health reporting, for example with a schedule name reports:

    schedule add reports log send output mailto:user@server.com diag health

    For example:

    $ schedule add reports log send output mailto:user@server.com diag health
      Automatically setting time to midnight and enabling
      active: true
      command: log send output mailto:user@server.com diag health --force
      hour: 0
      min: 0

    Typing help at the command line will now not show the HEALTH: NOT MONITORED message.

    The schedule instance can be modified, for example weekly on Sunday:

    schedule time reports weekly 0