System Specific Commands


On a Modular Architecture deployment, voss system specific commands can only be run on application nodes and for Unified and Single Node architectures, not on database or web proxy type nodes.

  • voss finalize_transaction <id> - If a transaction status incorrectly shows as processing after a service restart - for example where a service has stopped - use this command to mark it as finalized.

    If a transaction in a ‘Processing’ state has child transactions in a ‘Processing’ state, these also need to be finalized.

    The finalize transaction command should never be run for transactions which are still processing. It should only be used for transactions that are still in a ‘Processing’ state after a service restart.

  • voss get_extra_functions_version <[-h] [-c] [-d] [-m] [-q]> - Display details of the currently installed extra functions file ( Details can be the checksum (md5), created date and modified date - with or without titles. The command voss get_extra_functions_version -h displays information on these parameters.
  • voss migrate_summary_attributes <model_type> - Migrates the summary attribute schema for instances of the specified model.

    For example:

    voss migrate_summary_attributes data/InternalNumberInventory
  • voss reset_device_concurrency [all | device <device_name> | –show_locks] - Call Manager can handle eight concurrent connections. VOSS-4-UC monitors the number of connections it continuously makes and removes or adds to the number as connections are made and closed. For debugging purposes, this “tracking number” can be reset.

    If the concurrency remains at the maximum for more than 10 minutes, it is automatically reset to zero and a log error message Resetting stale Device Concurrency.. (containing details) is displayed. The parameters are as follows:

    • all - this is the default parameter if no parameter is provided. Concurrent connections on all devices are reset.

    • device <device_name> - reset the concurrent connections on a specific device with <device_name>, for example voss reset_device_concurrency device

    • –show_locks - For all devices, show device type, device name , concurrent connections and max current concurrent connections. For example:

      $ voss reset_device_concurrency --show_locks
      INFO:__main__:[device/hcmf -] [0/1]
      INFO:__main__:[CUCM -] [0/8]
      INFO:__main__:[CUC -] [0/8]
  • voss clear_device_pending_changes <device_name | all> - Since Unified CM version 10.0, a Change Notification Feature is available that stores changes to device objects in a cache. The VOSS-4-UC application service called voss-deviceapi::voss-cnf_collector collects these changes from all the Unified CM devices as they are added, manages and stores the changes in a data collection.

    This collection can then be used to update the system by means of a Data Sync option on the GUI. An additional tool on the GUI displays the status and manages the collection on a specified device and also allows for the polling interval between collections to be configured. Each device keeps the last time that a collection process ran on it, so that a new collection will only be run on it once its interval has expired.

    The voss clear_device_pending_changes command clears all pending changes by the Change Notification Collector for a particular device or for all devices.

    To clear the collection of pending changes from a single device, the command and output is for example:

    $ voss reset_device_pending_changes
    This will clear all pending changes.
    Do you wish to continue? yes

    The status of changes collected from a device can be checked from the GUI.

  • voss set_debug <level[0/1]> - By default, the level is “level0”, so no debug information is present in the logs.

    Setting the value to “level1” is not supported and will for example result in performance degradation.

  • voss unlock_sysadmin_account - Unlocks and forces a password reset on the system administrator account. The system administrator is prompted to enter a new password and is then prompted to verify the new password.
  • voss update_device_schemas <schema models> - Regenerate device model schemas in the database and in the device schemas fixtures file. No data is lost, so this can be done on a production system, although the system should not be used while this is happening. Parameters can be passed through (indicated as “<schema models>”). The available parameters are shown by using the “–help” parameter. Used by developers.
  • voss post-upgrade-migrations - Schedule a transaction to execute long running data migrations after an upgrade.

    Data migrations that are not critical to system operation can have significant execution time at scale. These need to be performed after the primary upgrade, allowing the migration to proceed whilst the system is in use - thereby limiting upgrade windows.

    • This command is a mandatory step after an upgrade.

    • The command only needs to be run on a single node of a cluster.

    • The command will display progress information of the migration transaction until the transaction concludes, or until the user exits the command using Ctrl-c.

    • Transaction progress can also be followed on the Transaction GUI.

    • If the transaction is cancelled on the GUI or interrupted by a system or queue restart, the command can be run again to re-queue a migration transaction, which will resume the migration process.

    • Console examples are shown below:

      $ voss post-upgrade-migrations
      Queueing post upgrade migrations, please wait...
      Post upgrade migrations transaction queued, ID 6.
      Transaction progress(ctrl-c to exit, transaction will continue to execute):
      -Post upgrade migrations:   0%|             | 0/1 [00:00<?]
      --Migrating objects in TRANSACTION colle...:  27%|#######   | 53814/200000 [00:30<01:21]
      Aborting progress monitoring, transaction ID 6 is continuing execution, exiting...

      Subsequent re-execution with the same previously queued transaction still executing - progress display is resumed and displayed until the transaction concludes:

      $ voss post-upgrade-migrations
      Existing post upgrade migrations transaction found, not requeuing.
      Transaction progress(ctrl-c to exit, transaction will continue to execute):
      -Post upgrade migrations: 100%|####################| 1/1 [01:40<00:00]
      --Migrating objects in TRANSACTION colle...: 100%|##########| 200000/200000 [01:40<00:00]
      Post upgrade migrations complete, exiting...