Notification Messages

There are 3 levels of notifications:

  • info - these are informational messages intended to communicate a positive event.
  • warn - these are non-critical notifications indicating that there is a temporary error
  • error - these are critical messages indicating a system fault that is affecting system functionality
Category Level Message
Maintenance mode warn WARN: System going into maintenance mode
Maintenance mode info INFO: System taken out of maintenance mode
Disk status error DISK ALMOST FULL: Disk {} is more than {} percent full …
Disk status warn DISK STATUS: Disk {} is now running below {} percent. Disk %s cleared Disk status after it was cleared:
Disk status info DISK STATUS: Disk {} is now running below {} percent. Disk %s cleared Disk status after it was cleared:
Health email error ERROR: Trouble sending health email
Health email info INFO: Health emails is now being sent
Database usage warn WARN: Database %s exceeded threshold …
Database usage info INFO: Database %s returned to normal …
Disk latency error ERROR: Disk slow ‘, ‘Disk latency info:…
Disk latency info INFO: The disk latency returned to normal
Local mail monitoring warn WARNING: The total messages in the local mailbox for %s has reached in excess of 200…
Local mail monitoring info INFO: Messages for %s auto archived as it reached more than 500…
Local mail monitoring info INFO: The total local messages for %s is now under 200…
External mail monitoring warn WARNING: Not all notify levels is configured with an external email address …
External mail monitoring info INFO: All notify levels is now configured with an external email address …
Backup monitoring error ERROR: The last backup was more than 2 days ago …
Backup monitoring info INFO: Backups now runs regularly …
Cluster failover error ERROR: The db is failing over constantly within 5 min …
Cluster failover info INFO: The db failover status returned to normal …
Logging error ERROR: Log files larger than 1Gig found in /var/log …
Logging info INFO: /var/log rotated …
Network Monitoring error ERROR: Network Failures. The following network failures occurred: …
Network Monitoring info INFO: Network failures resolved …
Service Monitoring error ERROR: Service Failures …
Service Monitoring info INFO: Services started successfully …
Security Update warn WARNING: Security Updates available …
Security Update info INFO: Security Updates applied …
Memory Monitoring error ERROR: High memory usage Memory activity: …
Memory Monitoring info INFO: Memory usage returned to normal Memory more than 1024MB
Disk Status error DISK_USAGE_LIMITS /
Disk Status error DISK ALMOST FULL: Disk /var/log is more than {} percent full …
Disk Status info DISK_USAGE_LIMITS /
Disk Status info DISK_USAGE_LIMITS /var/log
Disk Status audit DISK ALMOST FULL: Disk /var/log is more than {} percent full …
Backups error DISK_USAGE_LIMITS /backups
Backups info DISK_USAGE_LIMITS /backups
Platform error DISK_USAGE_LIMITS /opt/platform
Platform info DISK_USAGE_LIMITS /opt/platform
NTP error ERROR: No ntp configured for %s …
NTP info INFO: ntp is now configured for %s …
DNS warn WARNING: No dns configured for %s…
DNS info INFO: dns is now configured for %s …
Domain warn WARNING: No domain configured for %s…
Domain info INFO: domain is now configured for %s…
NTP Daemon warn WARNING: The ntp daemon has stopped on %s …
NTP Daemon info INFO: The ntp daemon is now running on %s …
NTP Offset warn WARNING: The ntp offset exceeds 1 second on %s …
NTP Offset info INFO: The ntp offset restored to normal on %s …
License error ERROR: License file generation failed The license audit report scheduled for %s was not successful …
License info INFO: License file generated The license audit report scheduled for %s was successful…
Transaction Archive error ERROR: Transaction archive files older than 30 days…
Transaction Archive info INFO: Transaction archive files OK…
Database Maintenance error ERROR: Database maintenance not scheduled…
Database Maintenance info INFO: Database maintenance is scheduled …
Web Certificate Maintenance error ERROR: Web certificate about to expire…
Web Certificate Maintenance info INFO: Web certificate has been renewed …
Logs rotate warn Forcing log rotation as /var/log is at $USAGE usage: $message
Logs rotate warn Autopurging /var/log due to extremely high disk usage. Usage $USAGE: $message
Log processing error System unable to send {} messages to {}…
Backups info Backup completed…
Backups info Restore successful…
Backups error Restore failed …
Backups error Backup failed …
Upgrade error upgrade failed upgrade failed as other activity is in progress …