Notification Format

The Northbound Notifications are sent to a destination as HTTP or HTTPS POST requests. The message body is a JSON map that contains the notification data. The JSON map is in this format:

Key Datatype Operation
model_type String All
operation String All
pkid String All
hierarchy String All
new_data Map Create/Update
previous_data Map Update/Delete

The keys in the new_data and old_data maps are the attribute names for the given model type.


See this example of a notification’s message body triggered by updating a user:

   'model_type': 'data/User',
   'operation': 'update',
   'pkid': '5445310900698a11d83164e3',
   'hierarchy': '543c57ea00698a11d8305815',
   'new_data': {
      'username': 'jdoe',
      'email': '',
      'department': 'Finance'
   'previous_data': {
      'username': 'jdoe',
      'email': '',
      'department': 'Admin'