Two-node Cluster Hardware Specification

Virtual machine requirements are specified in the table below.

Node type Quantity VM Memory CPU Disk Network
Unified = 2 >= VMware 5.1 16 GB with 32 GB reservation 4 vCPU @ 2 GHz with 4000 MHz reservation

370 GB partitioned:

  • 20 GB for OS
  • 50 GB for application: 10 GB for logs, 40GB for our apps
  • 50 GB for compressed backups
  • 250 GB for database
1 Gbit/s minimum
WebProxy >= 0 >= VMware 5.1 4 GB with 4 GB reservation 2 vCPU @ 2 GHz with no reservation

70 GB partitioned:

  • 20 GB for OS
  • 50 GB for application
1 Gbit/s minimum

For Memory and CPU, the Resource Allocation Reservation on VMware should correspond with these requirements.

For VMware details, refer to VMware Support.