VMWare Checks

Check VMWare Disk Space


To ensure the datastore(s) the cluster is using will be sufficient for the cluster.


  1. Log into the VMWare server(s) hosting the cluster nodes.
  2. Identify the Datastore each node is using.
  3. Ensure there is sufficient space for all systems.

Step to resolve

If there is any doubt that datastore space may not be sufficient, contact your VMWare administrator.

VMWare Snapshots


VMWare snapshot management is vital to ensure optimal performance.


  1. Log in on one VMWare host(s)
  2. Ensure that there is no more than one snapshot, if possible. Delete any old snapshots.

VMWare recommendations


VOSS recommends that there be a 1 to 1 mapping for memory and CPU in VMWare.


  1. Log into the VMWare console, select the VOSS nodes one by one.
  2. Ensure that the system has a 1 to 1 mapping for memory and CPU. For example, if the system is set to 16GB, there is 16GB RAM reserved, and if CPU is set to 4 cores, that the VMWare host has 4 cores available.