Unity Tenant Management

Unity Tenant Management assists in creating groups of objects in Unity Connection that provide a basic “tenant services” application. In short it allows you to create a tenant, which includes numerous interrelated database objects in Connection that work together to provide basic directory segmentation features to allow for isolated groups of users and handlers within your Connection server.

You can add or delete unity tenants.

Add a Unity Tenant


The description, alias and SMTP Domain name must all be unique among tenants in your system.

  1. Choose Unity Tenant Management > Unity Tenant Add to open the Unity Tenant Add form.
  2. Complete, at minimum, the following mandatory fields:
    • Target Unity Server - .
    • Unity Tenant Name (Alias) - The alias is used as a prefix for all objects created in the tenant - used to make sure all objects in Connection are uniquely named.
    • SMTP Domain - a unique SMTP Domain name.
    • Tenant Desciption - .
  3. Click Save.

Delete a Unity Tenant


when deleting a tenant, ALL OBJECTS associated with that tenant are deleted as well. This means all users, call handlers, interviewers, schedules, COS etc. are deleted. There is NO UNDO for this. Make sure you really want to remove a tenant and all its objects before doing so.

  1. Choose Unity Tenant Management > Unity Tenant Delete to open the Unity Tenant Delete form.
  2. From the Unity Tenant Name (Alias) drop-down, choose the tenant to delete.
  3. Click Save to remove the tenant.