Configure SIP Trunks

This procedure adds new SIP trunks and edits existing SIP trunks.

Perform these steps:

  1. Log in as provider, reseller, or customer administrator.

  2. Set the hierarchy path to the node where the Cisco Unified Communications Manager is configured.

  3. How are you logged in?

    • Provider or reseller administrator? Go to Apps Management > CUCM > SIP Trunks.
    • Customer administrator? Go to Apps Management > Advanced > SIP Trunks.
  4. Do you want to …

    • Add a new SIP trunk? Click Add, then go to Step 5.
    • Edit an existing SIP trunk? Click on the relevant SIP trunk in the list of SIP trunks; then, go to step 6.
  5. From the CUCM drop-down menu, select the hostname, domain name, or IP address of the Unified CM where you want to add the SIP trunk.


    The CUCM drop-down displays only when you’re adding a new SIP trunk (not when editing).

    This drop-down menu displays the Unified CM located at the node, and all the Unified CM nodes in the hierarchies above the node where you’re adding the SIP trunk.

    To provision a Unified CM server, see the Installation Tasks section of Installing Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

  6. In the Device Name field, enter a unique name for the new SIP trunk (or modify the existing device name, as applicable).

  7. On the Device Information tab, complete at minimum, the mandatory Device Information Tab.

  8. On the Call Routing General tab, complete at minimum, the mandatory Call Routing General Tab.

  9. On the Call Routing Inbound tab, complete the required Call Routing Inbound Tab.

  10. On the Call Routing Outbound tab, complete the required Call Routing Outbound Tab.

  11. On the SP Info tab, complete the required SP Info Tab.

  12. On the GeoLocation tab, complete at minimum, the mandatory GeoLocation Tab.

  13. Click Save to save a new or updated SIP trunk.

    The SIP trunk appears in the SIP trunk list. The SIP trunk is automatically reset on the Unified CM as soon as it’s added. To reset the SIP trunk at any other time, see “Reset SIP Trunk”.

    To view the SIP trunk and its properties, log in to the Unified CM where you added the SIP trunk, select Device Trunk, and perform the “Find” operation. Clicking on the SIP trunk name in the list displays its characteristics.