Configure SIP Profiles

  1. Log in as provider, reseller, or customer administrator.

  2. Make sure that the hierarchy path is set to the node where the Cisco Unified Communications Manager is configured.

  3. Perform one of the following:

    • If you signed in as a provider or reseller administrator, choose Device Management > CUCM > SIP Profiles.
    • If you signed in as a customer administrator, choose Device Management > Advanced > SIP Profiles.
  4. Perform one of the following:

    • To add a new SIP profile, click Add, then go to Step 5.
    • To edit an existing SIP profile, choose the SIP profile to be updated by clicking it in the list of SIP profiles. Go to Step 6.
  5. If the Network Device List popup window appears, select the NDL for the SIP profile from the drop-down menu. The window appears when you are on a nonsite hierarchy node. If you are at a site hierarchy node, the NDL associated with the site is automatically used.


    The Network Device List drop-down menu only appears when a SIP profile is added; it does not appear when you edit a SIP profile.

  6. Enter a unique name for the new SIP profile in the Name field, or modify the existing Name if desired.

  7. On the SIP Profile Information tab, complete at minimum, the mandatory SIP Profile Information Fields.

  8. On the SDP Information tab, complete at minimum, the mandatory SDP Information Fields.

  9. On the Parameters used in Phone tab, complete the required Parameters used in Phone Fields.

  10. On the Normalization Script tab, complete the required Normalization Script Fields.

  11. On the Incoming Requests FROM URI Strings tab, complete the required Incoming Requests FROM URI Strings Fields.

  12. On the Trunk Specific Configuration tab, complete at minimum, the mandatory Trunk Specific Configuration Fields.

  13. On the Trunk SIP OPTIONS Ping tab, complete the required Trunk SIP OPTIONS Ping Fields.

  14. On the Trunk SDP Information tab, complete the required Trunk SDP Information Fields.

  15. Click Save to save a new SIP profile or to update an existing SIP profile.