Reset UC Passwords Overview¶
VOSS-4-UC maintains details of user credentials A VOSS-4-UC user can also be a corresponding user on a number of devices. In particular, users can have password (and PIN) credentials for:
- VOSS-4-UC user
- Unified CM (also PIN)
- Cisco Unity Connection (also PIN)
- LDAP user on Unified CM
- LDAP user on Cisco Unity Connection
- Conferencing user - WebEx, Zoom or PexIP (also PIN)
The Reset UC Passwords feature allows you to select a username for a user on Unified CM at a selected hierarchy and then, given the configured services for the user, you can select a check box to reset the user’s password and/or PIN for the services.
The feature can be used by an administrator at the provider, customer and site hierarchy. It will, given a selected username, also enable options to select other devices for password modification and also displays notices or warning messages to indicate available devices and exclusions.
For example, the password of a Unified CM user that is also an LDAP user, cannot be modified. Such a user is also not a VOSS-4-UC user. In other instances, the VOSS-4-UC password is also reset when a user’s device password is reset.
If a user is an LDAP user on either Unified CM or Cisco Unity Connection and they are selected, then only the PIN for the device will be reset.
When bulk loading updates to passwords,the bulk load sheet only needs to specify values for the user and updated passwords - other fields can be left blank. See: Bulk Loading a File.