Multinode Modular Cluster with Application and Database Nodes

In order to achieve Geo-Redundancy using Application and Database nodes, you need the consider the following:

  • Six Application and Database nodes - 3 nodes with an application role and 3 nodes with a database role - are clustered and split over two geographically disparate locations.

  • Two Web Proxy nodes to provide High Availability that ensure an Application role failure is gracefully handled. More may be added if Web Proxy nodes are required in a DMZ.

    It is strongly recommended not to allow customer end-users the same level of administrator access as the restricted groups of provider- and customer administrators. This is why Self-service web proxies as well as Administrator web proxies should be used.

    Systems with Self-service only web proxies are only recommended where the system is customer facing, but where the customer does not administer the system themselves.

  • Web Proxy, application and database nodes can be contained in separate firewalled networks.

  • Database synchronization takes places between all database role nodes, thereby offering Disaster Recovery and High Availability.

  • All nodes in the cluster are active.

Primary and fall-back Secondary Database servers can be configured manually. Refer to the Platform Guide for further details.

The diagrams in this section illustrate:

  • the six node cluster
  • 2 Web Proxy nodes in a DMZ
  • 4 (2 admin, 2 Self-service) Web Proxy nodes in a DMZ


