Data Sync Overview

Data on devices may be updated within VOSS-4-UC, or directly on the device. For this reason, cached VOSS-4-UC data should be periodically synchronized with the data with the data on devices.


  • When an instance of a Unified CM is added to the system, its data is imported and cached.

  • When instances are added, updated, or deleted from the Unified CM, the cached data in VOSS-4-UC becomes out of sync with data on the device.

  • When deleting data from Unified CM before deleting it from VOSS-4-UC, the system displays the following error: “The specified resource could not be found”

    This means the resource is out of sync, and VOSS-4-UC may need to re-sync with Unified CM in order to delete it or update it.

The VOSS-4-UC data sync functionality allows you to dynamically synchronize cached VOSS-4-UC data with data on devices. The data sync instance is associated with the connection parameters of a device type in VOSS-4-UC.

Supported devices include:

  • HCM-F (if installed)
  • Cisco Unified CM
  • Cisco Unity Connection
  • LDAP
  • WebEx

Individual add, update and delete operations carried out by a data sync instance can be disabled on the user interface. If no operation is selected, the default behavior is maintained.

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