Config Template Merge Strategy

Given the example shown in the Config Template Looping topic, the use of CFTs in workflows is slightly more complicated, because the base CFT might already be implementing a CFT loop as seen in the example.

In this case, it is required for the QAG CFT to specify the correct Merge Strategy.


As can be seen from the image, since the base Phone CFT in the Subscriber Relation already implements a loop over lines, it is necessary for the QAG template to specify a “Replace” instead of “Additive” Merge Strategy.

This “replace” merge strategy allows the resulting lists of lines from the evaluated CFTs to be merged instead of being added together.

For reference, the following base CFTs implement a foreach loop:

  • Phones (AddSubscriber_PhoneLoop)
    • lines.line
    • lines.line.0.associatedEndusers.enduser
    • services.service
  • Device Profile (AddSubscriber_DPLoop)
    • lines.line
    • lines.line.0.associatedEndusers.enduser
    • Services.service
  • Remote Destination for Dual Mode Phone (AddSubscriber_RDLoopPhone)
    • lineAssociations.lineAssociation
  • Remote Destination Profile SNR (AddSubscriber_RDPLoop)
    • lines.line
    • lines.line.0.associatedEndusers.enduser
  • Remote Destination SNR (AddSubscriber_RDLoop)
    • lineAssociations.lineAssociation