Install and Configure the NBI Application¶
NBI Script Upload¶
Upload the NBI Install Script (NBI-<name>-<version>.script
) to the media directory of the newly deployed VM.
Checksum Verification¶
To verify SHA256 checksums for the script, run the following command:
system checksum media/NBI-<name>-<version>.script
NBI Package Install¶
Ensure no ISO’s are mounted prior to continuing (run system unmount).
system unmount
app install media/NBI-<name>-<version>.script delete-on-success y --force
NBI Configuration¶
If certificate-based authentication is used against the northbound system:
- Ensure the certificate file and key file is copied to the media directory before running the wizard.
Run the following command to configure the NBI using the wizard:
billing-data-extract config --setup
Option | Description | Example |
remote_mongostring | Comma separated host:port combinations for VOSS-4-UC DB nodes. | <UN1 IP>:27020,<UN2 IP>:27020,<UN3 IP>:27020,<UN4 IP>:27020 |
remote_seed | The VOSS-4-UC DB password. | <secret value> |
host | The IP address of this NBI node. | <NBI IP> |
notifier_ca | The path to the CA certificate that is used to sign the NBI system’s authentication certificate. | media/ca.pem |
notifier_key | The path to the private key for NBI certificate-based authentication. | media/key.pem |
notifier_cert | The path to the certificate for NBI certificate-based authentication. | media/cert.crt |
notifier_useCerts | Configuration to determine if certificate-based authentication is required by the northbound system. | True or False |
notifier_url | The HTTP API URL exposed by the northbound system for receiving notifications from NBI. | https://<host>:<port>/<endpoint> |
callback_username | NBI callback service username used by the northbound system. | <username> |
callback_password | NBI callback service password used by the northbound system. | <secret value> |
secure_callback | Configuration to enable HTTPS on the callback service endpo | True if callback must accept requests over HTTPS otherwise False |
http_connection | IP address of VOSS-4-UC API, web proxy recommended for redundancy. | <WP IP> |
http_user | VOSS-4-UC username for NBI’s API user. | <VOSS-4-UC API username for NBI> |
http_pass | VOSS-4-UC password for NBI’s API user. | <VOSS-4-UC API password for NBI> |
http_user | VOSS-4-UC username for NBI’s API user. | <VOSS-4-UC API username for NBI> |
schema | The 2 or 3 abbreviation allocated to you by VOSS. | XY or ABC |
Configure Callback Service URL¶
Update the callback server URL as follows:
Set the URL
billing-data-extract config --set callback.url https://<NBI IP>:5009/callback
The callback service URL must either be HTTP or HTTPS depending on the
value set for secure_callback
Restart services to apply the configuration change:
app start --force
Configure NBI SDE (Reconciliation) File Extraction¶
- On the NBI server:
Login as root
app install nrs --force
Check if ssh key pair exists
ls /root/.ssh/id_rsa
Generate ssh key pair if it does not exist
Copy public key to the VOSS-4-UC node where SDE runs nightly
scp /root/.ssh/ platform@<VOSS-4-UC IP>:~/media/
- On the VOSS-4-UC node where SDE runs nightly:
Login as platform user
Add SFTP-only user
user sftp add nbi_sftp
Set password for SFTP-only user
user sftp password nbi_sftp
Disable password expiry for SFTP-only user
user password expiry nbi_sftp never
Add the key from the media directory
user addkey nbi_sftp ~platform/media/
Ensure that SDE has been run for the current day. If not, run it manually
voss export group subscriber
- On the NBI server (as root):
Verify that SFTP is using both key- and password-based authentication
sftp -vv nbi_sftp@<VOSS-4-UC IP>
Create the NBI SDE output directory
mkdir -p /opt/platform/admin/home/media/nbi_extract
Change ownership of the NBI SDE output directory
chown platform /opt/platform/admin/home/media/nbi_extract
Edit the config to set up SFTP access details edit /opt/platform/apps/billing-data-extract/billing-data-extract.json
Key Description Example sde.v4uc_ip The IP address of the VOSS-4-UC node where SDE runs daily. <UN1 IP> sde.nbi_sftp_user SFTP username in VOSS-4-UC nbi_sftp sde.nbi_sftp_password The SFTP user’s password in VOSS-4-UC <secret> sde.src_location The path where SDE files are saved in VOSS-4-UC media/data_export Test NBI SDE and verify that output is generated and saved in the correct location
billing-data-extract run_sde