
Model: relation/CucScheduleREL

CUC Schedule

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You can only manage schedules at the same hierarchy level (or lower) as your log in level. For example, if you login as a customer administrator, you can view schedules at your own customer hierarchy level, and add new schedules at (or below) your hierarchy level.

During initial installation, VOSS Automate imports two predefined schedules from Cisco Unity Connection. These are accessed via Apps Management > CUC > Schedule:

By default, the All Hours schedule is configured to be "active" 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with no holidays. Routing rules that follow this schedule will always be active, and call handlers that use this schedule 'as is', will never use off hour transfer settings or play closed greetings.

The Weekdays schedule is configured to be active from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (in the time zone of the Cisco Unity Connection server) from Monday through Friday. It is also configured to observe any days and times that are set in the default Holidays schedule.


By default the Holidays schedule is not configured for any days or times. — at a minimum you may want to add days and times to this holiday schedule when your organization will be closed.


When a Holiday setting is in effect, holiday greetings are played (if enabled), and off hours transfer rules are observed. You can set up several years of holidays at a time. Because many holidays occur on different dates each year, confirm that the holiday schedule remains accurate annually.

Related Topics

Add a Call Handler (Auto Attendant) Schedule

You may want to create a new schedule for your organization.

On the Schedule form (modify or add), take note of the following field:

Uses Holiday Schedule - If you want your schedule to recognize days that are included as holidays in a holiday schedule, then choose a holiday schedule from the Uses Holiday Schedule drop-down list. Any day included in the selected holiday schedule will be recognized as a holiday.

If you want to create a new holiday schedule:

  1. Select the Is Holiday check box.
  2. Click Holiday Details + enter the following fields:
  3. Add more days to the holiday as required by clicking + next to the entered holiday, and entering new details in the fields.
  4. Click Save when complete.


Another method to create a new schedule is to:

  1. Select an existing schedule from the Schedule list view.
  2. Clone it (Action > Clone) to the desired hierarchy level.
  3. Edit as required.
  4. Click Save.

Update a Call Handler Schedule

  1. In the Admin Portal, go to (default menu) Apps Management > CUC > Schedule.

  2. In the Schedule list view, click on the schedule you wish to edit.

  3. Update the relevant fields. See Create a New CUC Schedule


    If you're updating a Holidays schedule, click the Plus icon at Holiday Details, then fill out details for the holiday, including Name, Start Time, End Time, and select End of Day to define whether the schedule becomes inactive at midnight on the day of the holiday. Finally, click in the Start Date and End Date field to select a date for the holiday from the calendar date picker.

  4. Save your changes.

Delete a Call Handler Schedule

  1. In the Admin Portal, go to (default menu) Apps Management > CUC > Schedule.
  2. In the Schedule list view, select the checkbox adjacent to the schedule you want to delete. If you want to delete more than one schedule, select multiple checkboxes.
  3. Click the toolbar Delete icon.
  4. In the dialog asking you to confirm the deletion, click Yes.

Create a Call Handler (Auto Attendant) Schedule

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You may want to create a new schedule for your organization.

On the Schedule form (modify or add), take note of the following field:

Uses Holiday Schedule - If you want your schedule to recognise days that are included as holidays in a holiday schedule, then choose a holiday schedule from the Uses Holiday Schedule drop-down list. Any day included in the selected holiday schedule will be recognized as a holiday.

If you want to create a new holiday schedule:

  1. Select the Is Holiday check box.
  2. Click Holiday Details + enter the following fields:
  3. Add more days to the holiday as required by clicking + next to the entered holiday, and entering new details in the fields.
  4. Click Save when complete.


Another method to create a new schedule is to:

  1. Select an existing schedule from the Schedule list view.
  2. Clone it (Action > Clone) to the desired hierarchy level.
  3. Edit as required.
  4. Click Save.

Modify a Call Handler (Auto Attendant) Schedule

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Update a Call Handler Schedule

  1. In the Admin Portal, go to (default menu) Services > Auto Attendant > Schedule.

  2. In the Schedule list view, click on the schedule you wish to edit.

  3. Update the relevant fields. See Create a New CUC Schedule


    If you're updating a Holidays schedule, click the Plus icon at Holiday Details, then fill out details for the holiday, including Name, Start Time, End Time, and select End of Day to define whether the schedule becomes inactive at midnight on the day of the holiday. Finally, click in the Start Date and End Date field to select a date for the holiday from the calendar date picker.

  4. Save your changes.

Delete a Call Handler Schedule

  1. In the Admin Portal, go to (default menu) Services > Auto Attendant > Schedule.
  2. In the Schedule list view, select the checkbox adjacent to the schedule you want to delete. If you want to delete more than one schedule, select multiple checkboxes.
  3. Click the toolbar Delete icon.
  4. In the dialog asking you to confirm the deletion, click Yes.

Model Details: relation/CucScheduleREL

Title Description Details
Schedule Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Schedule
  • Type: Object
Hierarchy Type Hidden (internal-only) helper field to store hierarchy node type (e.g. 'Site' or 'Customer')
  • Field Name: Schedule.hierarchy_type
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: HF
  • Type: Object
Hierarchy Type Hidden (internal-only) helper field to store hierarchy node type (e.g. 'Site' or 'Customer')
  • Field Name: Schedule.HF.hierarchy_type
  • Type: String
Network Device List Mandatory input-field for the Add use-case (if hierarchy is at Site-node, however, this value is derived automatically). The workflow (and GUIRules) will target the UC devices that is linked to this Network Device List (NDL). In the Mod use-case, this should also be derived automatically and can thus be omitted from Updates.
  • Field Name: Schedule.HF.target_ndl
  • Type: String
Cisco Unity Connection Informative (non-input) field. Indicates the target CUCx host/IP, which is automatically derived from the input NDL.
  • Field Name: Schedule.HF.cuc_info
  • Type: String
Uses Holiday Schedule Helper field for dropdown of available Holiday schedules for user to select from
  • Field Name: Schedule.HF.holiday_schedule
  • Type: String
Network Device List Mandatory input-field for the Add use-case (if hierarchy is at Site-node, however, this value is derived automatically). The workflow (and GUIRules) will target the UC devices that is linked to this Network Device List (NDL). In the Mod use-case, this should also be derived automatically and can thus be omitted from Updates.
  • Field Name: Schedule.target_ndl
  • Type: String
Cisco Unity Connection Informative (non-input) field. Indicates the target CUCx host/IP, which is automatically derived from the input NDL.
  • Field Name: Schedule.cuc_info
  • Type: String
Schedule Display Name The preferred text name of this schedule to be used when displaying entries in the administrative console and Cisco Personal Assistant.
  • Field Name: Schedule.DisplayName
  • Type: String
Is Holiday A flag indicating whether this schedule represents a holiday.
  • Field Name: Schedule.IsHoliday
  • Type: Boolean
Object Id The primary key for this table. A globally unique, system-generated identifier for a ScheduleSet object. - template parameter [1]
  • Field Name: Schedule.ObjectId
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Set
  • Type: Object
Object Id The primary key for this table. A globally unique, system-generated identifier for a ScheduleSet object. - template parameter [1]
  • Field Name: Schedule.Set.ObjectId
  • Type: String
Uses Holiday Schedule Helper field for dropdown of available Holiday schedules for user to select from
  • Field Name: Schedule.holiday_schedule
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Detail.[n]
  • Type: Array
Name The subject matter or description for this schedule detail row.
  • Field Name: Schedule.Detail.[n].Subject
  • Type: String
Holiday Start Date ( format: YYYY-MM-DD ) - The date when this holiday Detail item starts from.
  • Field Name: Schedule.Detail.[n].StartDate
  • Type: String
Holiday End Date ( format: YYYY-MM-DD ) - The date when this holiday Detail item ends.
  • Field Name: Schedule.Detail.[n].EndDate
  • Type: String
Start Time ( format: HH:MM ) - The start time, when this schedule detail item becomes active.
  • Field Name: Schedule.Detail.[n].StartTime
  • Type: Integer
End Time ( format: HH:MM ) - The end time, when this schedule detail item becomes inactive.
  • Field Name: Schedule.Detail.[n].EndTime
  • Type: Integer
End Of Day Check this check box to specify that the schedule becomes inactive at midnight (the end of the day).
  • Field Name: Schedule.Detail.[n].EndOfDay
  • Type: Boolean
Is Active Monday A flag indicating whether this schedule is active on Monday.
  • Field Name: Schedule.Detail.[n].IsActiveMonday
  • Type: Boolean
Is Active Tuesday A flag indicating whether this schedule is active on Tuesday.
  • Field Name: Schedule.Detail.[n].IsActiveTuesday
  • Type: Boolean
Is Active Wednesday A flag indicating whether this schedule is active on Wednesday.
  • Field Name: Schedule.Detail.[n].IsActiveWednesday
  • Type: Boolean
Is Active Thursday A flag indicating whether this schedule is active on this Thursday.
  • Field Name: Schedule.Detail.[n].IsActiveThursday
  • Type: Boolean
Is Active Friday A flag indicating whether this schedule is active on Friday.
  • Field Name: Schedule.Detail.[n].IsActiveFriday
  • Type: Boolean
Is Active Saturday A flag indicating whether this schedule is active on Saturday.
  • Field Name: Schedule.Detail.[n].IsActiveSaturday
  • Type: Boolean
Is Active Sunday A flag indicating whether this schedule is active on Sunday.
  • Field Name: Schedule.Detail.[n].IsActiveSunday
  • Type: Boolean