
Model: view/AddSubscriberFromProfile

Add Subscriber from Profile

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This procedure adds a subscriber from a subscriber profile.

  1. In the Admin Portal, go to (default menus) Subscriber Management > Add Subscriber from Profile.


    In a single vendor or multi vendor environment, you can also locate this menu via (default menus) the Multi Vendor Subscribers edit form, or search for Add Subscriber from Profile in the Admin Portal search bar.

  2. Choose the site.

  3. On the Add Subscriber from Profile page, select the username (mandatory). The page updates to display a read-only view of the selected user's existing services. At the Subscriber Profile drop-down, select the subscriber profile to use for configuring the subscriber. This selection will filter the Existing Services relevant to the profile.


    The subscriber profiles available in the drop-down depend on the user type and environment, and are generated by the system based on the username you choose. For example, let's say you're onboarding an unlicensed user from Microsoft Azure, where Microsoft Teams is not yet provisioned, then, when selecting the user, the system lists the relevant subscriber profiles for adding and provisioning the subscriber.

    Depending on the subscriber profile selected, new services may be automatically provisioned, for example, a line, a phone, an extension mobility profile, a Jabber device, and Webex Calling. If this is the case, read-only fields display with the details for the new services that will be provisioned for the subscriber via the profile, once you save.

  4. Fill out the subscriber's details:

  1. Save your changes.

Related Topics

View to add a Subscriber using a Service Profile.

Model Details: view/AddSubscriberFromProfile

Title Description Details
Subscriber Details Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Subscriber Details
  • Type: Object
Username * Username of the subscriber.
  • Field Name: Subscriber Details.username
  • Type: String
First Name First name of the subscriber.
  • Field Name: Subscriber Details.firstname
  • Type: String
Last Name * Last name of the subscriber.
  • Field Name: Subscriber Details.lastname
  • Type: String
Email Address Email address of the subscriber.
  • Field Name: Subscriber Details.email
  • Type: String
  • Pattern: ^([^.@]+)(\.[^.@]+)*@([^.@]+\.)+([^.@]+)$
Send welcome email Send Email to user using predefined HTML Email Template. Email template used is 'Quick Add Subscriber'
  • Field Name: Subscriber Details.send_email
  • Type: Boolean
Mobile Number Mobile number of the subscriber.
  • Field Name: Subscriber Details.mobile_number
  • Type: String
  • Pattern: ^(\+?[0-9]*)$
Password The corresponding CUCM, CUC and WebEx user password will be set with this password
  • Field Name: Subscriber Details.password
  • Type: String
  • Is Password: True
PIN The corresponding CUCM and CUC user PIN will be set with this PIN
  • Field Name: Subscriber Details.pin
  • Type: String
  • Is Password: True
Use generated phone name A random phone name will be generated by the system. This is only applicable if the selected Subscriber Profile has the Voice service enabled. Default: true
  • Field Name: Subscriber Details.generate_phone_name
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true
Phone Name Name to be used when provisioning a phone for e.g. SEPAABBCCDDEEFF. The specific format is dependent on the phone type specified in the profile configuration. This is only applicable if the selected Subscriber Profile has the Voice service enabled.
  • Field Name: Subscriber Details.phone_name
  • Type: String
Use next available line Use the next available line from the inventory. Default: true
  • Field Name: Subscriber Details.automatic_line
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true
Inventory Filter Default: default
  • Field Name: Subscriber Details.line_filter
  • Type: String
  • Default: default
  • Choices: ["Default", "Show Unused Numbers (Site Only)", "Show Unused Numbers", "Show Unused Numbers with Associated E164's (Site Only)", "Show Unused Numbers with Associated E164's", "Show Used Numbers (Site Only)", "Show Used Numbers", "Show Numbers belonging to this Subscriber"]
Line The line number to use for this subscriber.
  • Field Name: Subscriber Details.line
  • Type: String
Subscriber Profile * The profile to use for subscriber configuration.
  • Field Name: Subscriber Details.subscriber_profile
  • Type: String
Existing Services Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Existing Services
  • Type: Object
Existing Services Subscriber's existing services.
  • Field Name: existing
  • Type: Object
  • Field Name: Existing Services.existing.phones
  • Type: String
Extension Mobility Profile
  • Field Name: Existing Services.existing.ext_mobilities
  • Type: String
Voicemail Extension
  • Field Name: Existing Services.existing.voicemail
  • Type: String
Single Number Reach
  • Field Name: Existing Services.existing.snr
  • Type: String
Webex Meetings
  • Field Name: Existing Services.existing.webex
  • Type: String
Webex App
  • Field Name: Existing Services.existing.spark
  • Type: String
Pexip Conferencing
  • Field Name: Existing Services.existing.pexip
  • Type: String
Contact Center
  • Field Name: Existing Services.existing.contact_center
  • Type: String
Microsoft Hosted Voicemail
  • Field Name: Existing Services.existing.microsoft_hosted_voice_mail
  • Type: String
Microsoft Teams Phone System
  • Field Name: Existing Services.existing.microsoft_enterprise_voice_enabled
  • Type: String
Hybrid Service
  • Field Name: Existing Services.existing.hybrid
  • Type: String
New Services Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: New Services
  • Type: Object
New Services Subscriber Profile Services that will be added.
  • Field Name: subscriber_profile_services
  • Type: Object
  • Field Name: New Services.subscriber_profile_services.line
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: New Services.subscriber_profile_services.phone
  • Type: String
Extension Mobility Profile
  • Field Name: New Services.subscriber_profile_services.ext_mobilities
  • Type: String
Voicemail Extension
  • Field Name: New Services.subscriber_profile_services.voicemail
  • Type: String
Single Number Reach
  • Field Name: New Services.subscriber_profile_services.snr
  • Type: String
Jabber (iPhone)
  • Field Name: New Services.subscriber_profile_services.jabber_iphone
  • Type: String
Jabber (Android)
  • Field Name: New Services.subscriber_profile_services.jabber_android
  • Type: String
Jabber (Tablet)
  • Field Name: New Services.subscriber_profile_services.jabber_tablet
  • Type: String
Jabber (CSF)
  • Field Name: New Services.subscriber_profile_services.jabber_csf
  • Type: String
Jabber (CIM)
  • Field Name: New Services.subscriber_profile_services.jabber_cim
  • Type: String
Jabber (CTI)
  • Field Name: New Services.subscriber_profile_services.jabber_cti
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: New Services.subscriber_profile_services.webex
  • Type: String
Webex Calling
  • Field Name: New Services.subscriber_profile_services.webex_calling
  • Type: String
Webex App
  • Field Name: New Services.subscriber_profile_services.spark
  • Type: String
Pexip Conferencing
  • Field Name: New Services.subscriber_profile_services.pexip
  • Type: String
Contact Center
  • Field Name: New Services.subscriber_profile_services.contact_center
  • Type: String
Microsoft Hosted Voicemail
  • Field Name: New Services.subscriber_profile_services.microsoft_hosted_voice_mail
  • Type: String
Microsoft Teams Phone System
  • Field Name: New Services.subscriber_profile_services.microsoft_enterprise_voice_enabled
  • Type: String