
Model: data/FieldDisplayPolicy

Field Display Policies

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Field Display Policies (FDPs) define the layout and composition of fields, fieldsets, and groups on forms in the Automate Admin Portal GUI. To change these elements on the form, you can edit the FDP associated with the form, if allowed.


FDPs are assigned to the model associated with a form or page in the GUI. FDPs can be added to Data models, Relations, and Views. For example, data/SiteDefaultsDoc is the model associated with the summary list view page and with the edit form for the site defaults.

If you want to change the layout of the form, you can edit the FDP for this model, if allowed. The layout of forms associated with some models cannot be modified via their FDP, for example, for relation/LineRelation, relation/SubscriberPhone, tool/Transaction, or view/BulkAddUser.

Via the FDP, you can define whether to group or disable fields, add online help text to a field, add a label to a field, or move a field up or down on the form.

You can apply one or more FDPs to a particular item type to present different views of the same form. You can apply a FDP for a menu layout and role so that users with this role are presented with a view of the form (defined by the FDP) for their user role when they log in. For example, a system may have users at Provider, Customer, and Site administration hierarchy levels - all of whom may access the same items, but perhaps some item fields need to be hidden for admin users at some levels. Therefore, you can create and apply a specific FDP to a menu layout designed for admin users at these levels.

You can clone an existing FDP to quickly create one, then modify the clone as required, and choose this new FDP for the model on a user's menu layout. In this way, the user's view of the GUI can be modified for their level of access to the model, from the menu.


The list view column header will also show the field title from the FDP if the field belongs to the list of summary attributes.

Field Display Policy Naming Convention

The name of a FDP must be unique at each hierarchy. You can however have FDPs with the same name at different hierarchies.

FDPs that have the name default will apply to their associated model, by default.

Display Groups As Tabs or Panels

The Field Display Policy configuration screen provides a Display As Groups setting that allows you to define the default layout of some forms, as either tabs or panels.

Tabs Each group of fields and/or fieldsets displays on a tab. The group title is the tab title.
Panels Each group of fields and/or fieldsets displays as a panel in a 2-column list of panels on the GUI. The group name is the panel header.


If no option is selected, the default is Panels, except for some models, which display groups as tabs by default. On some forms, depending on your user type and the model where the FDP is applied, you can click a toolbar icon in the GUI (or select from the action overflow menu) to switch between a panel or tab layout. The layout you choose is preserved when you log out and log in again.

The image shows an example of a form where groups display as Panels:

The Automate system default is Panels, except for the following models, which have as their default setting, Tabs:

The table lists models where the layout of elements of add and/or edit form types can't be modified via FDP. These form types also do not have the action element available on the GUI to switch the form view between tabs and panels.

Model Name Form Type Default
relation/LineRelation edit Panels
relation/MultiVendorSubscriber edit Panels
relation/PexipConference add, edit Panels
relation/SubscriberDeviceProfile add, edit Panels
relation/SubscriberPhone edit Panels
tool/Macro add  
tool/Transaction edit  
view/AddSubscriberFromProfile add  
view/BulkAddUser add  
view/HcsVersionVIEW add  
view/MenuDiff add  

Related Topics

Field Display Policy Input Reference in the Advanced Configuration Guide

Introduction to the Admin Portal User Interface in the Core Feature Guide

Add and Edit Field Display Policies

This procedure adds and edits a field display policy (FDP).

  1. Log in as Provider administrator or higher.

  2. Choose the relevant hierarchy.

  3. Go to (default menus) Customizations > Field Display Policies to open the list of existing FDPs.

  4. Do you want to ...

  5. To add a new FDP, from the list view, click the toolbar Plus icon (+) to open the configuration form for the new FDP you're adding.

  6. Configure the FDP:

    1. Fill out a name for the new FDP, and optionally, a description.

      • If the FDP name is default, it is applied by default to the target model type you choose on the form.
      • FDPs at the same hierarchy must have a unique name. FDPs at different hierarchies can share the same name.
    2. Choose the target model type to associate with the FDP.


      The target model type defines the fields available for use in the FDP.

    3. At Display Groups As, choose how groups should display on forms. Options are Tabs or Panels.


      The default is Panels, except for a selection of models, where the default is Tabs. Within a tab or a panel, you can add a combination of fields and/or fieldsets (within one or more groups).

    4. Add groups, one or more, required:

      At Groups, click the Plus icon (+), then configure the group.


      Groups that describe a collection of attributes display together on the GUI. All fields in the FDP must belong to a group.

      At the form level, groups all display either in panels or tabs, depending on the option selected in Display Groups As, and provided the model allows the option you choose.

      You can copy or re-order (move up or down) groups, fields, and fieldsets.

      The table describes the group configuration options:

      Component Description
      Title Mandatory. Fill out label text to display for the attribute on the new tab. If a group displays as a tab in the Admin Portal, the value defined for Title displays as the title of the tab.
      Number of Columns Fill out the number of columns for fields. The default is 1 (a single column). Fields in the Selected transfer box display in these columns.
      Fields Choose fields to add. Select then move fields from the Available field to the Selected field. The selected target model type defines the available fields. Use the Move Up/Move Down buttons to adjust the position of any field.
    1. Add fieldsets, if required. Click the Plus icon (+) at Fieldsets, then configure the fieldset.


      Fieldset options (fields in the Available transfer box) show all field choices for the selected target model type. Fieldset names are added as choices within any group added to the FDP, and the fields display as a group in fieldsets in the panels.

      The Name field is the name of the fieldset. First create fieldset, then add it to a group.

    2. Add field overrides, if required. Click the Plus icon (+) at Field Overrides, then configure the field override.

      The table describes configuration options for field overrides:

      Component Description
      Field Name of the model field to override. Options include those added to the Selected field for groups.
      Title New title to display for the field. If the FDP is called default at a hierarchy, the list view column header also displays this title if the field belongs to the list of summary attributes.
      Help Text New help text to display for the field. Leave blank to use the model attribute description.
      Disabled Sets the field as read-only.
      Input Type Overrides the input type of the field. Select an option to choose how the input field displays, for example, radio button, grid, multi select.
  7. Click Save.

    Once saved, the FDP can be applied by selecting it in a menu layout available to a role.

Clone a Field Display Policy

This procedure creates a copy, or clone, of an existing field display policy (FDP) to create a new FDP, starting with the configuration of the FDP you're cloning.

  1. Login as Provider administrator or higher.

  2. Choose the hierarchy.

  3. Go to (default menus) Customizations > Field Display Policies to view a summary list of existing field display policies (FDPs).

  4. Click on the FDP you want to clone.

  5. Choose Actions > Clone.

  6. Update the necessary fields for the cloned FDP.

  7. Click Save.

    You can apply the cloned FDP by choosing it in a menu layout available to a role.

Rules for Creating Field Display Policies

When creating groups and selecting the field transfer boxes of a group, a number of rules apply.


Regarding notation, if the fields belong to objects or arrays, the names in the transfer boxes are shown in dot notation. Refer to the target model type on-line help field reference to distinguish object types from array types.

To understand the rules, consider a selected Target Model Type with the fields as listed below. Where the name starts with "A", the field is an array and where it starts with an "O" it is an object. The values "x", "y", "z" are also objects. The field "F" is neither object or array.

Inclusion Rules

The following inclusion rules apply:

Ordering Fields in a Field Display Policy

You can move fields or fieldsets in a group (up or down on the form) by clicking the Move Up / Move Down buttons at the group level or in the transfer boxes.

Ordering child and parent fields depends on the presence of siblings, other parents, and children. If a child is selected in a group and not its parent, but a sibling of that parent is selected, then the sibling's order will affect the order of the fields.

The logic of order resolution starts from parents to children, according to the rules below.

For example, we select fields in this order in Group 1:

C.z, A.x.b, A.x.c, B, A.y, A.x, C, C.w


Thus the final display order will be:

A.y, A.x, A.x.b, A.x.c, B, C.z, C.w

Further examples below illustrate the presence of parents, siblings and children on the selected order.

Field Display Policies

Field Display Policies are applied to certain item types in order to modify the default form that is displayed when these items are created or accessed.

With Field Display Policies, the fields on an item detail form can be grouped, disabled, and on-line help text can be added for a field. A field can be provided with a new label and its position on the form can be moved up or down.

More than one Field Display Policy can apply to a particular item type so that the selection of a particular policy will present another view of the form.

A Field Display Policy for an item type can be applied from a Menu Layout by selecting and associating it with the item on the Menu Layout. The Menu Layout is then selected to be part of a user Role so that users who have this role and log in will be able to have the item displayed according to the relevant Field Display Policy.

For example, a system may have users at Provider, Customer and Site administration hierarchy levels - all of whom may access the same items, but perhaps some item fields need to be hidden for administration users at a certain level. Field Display Policies can then be made that are applied to the Menu Layout associated with the administration users at these levels.

New Field Display Policies can be added or existing ones can be edited. A quick way to add a Field Display Policy is to clone an existing Field Display Policy, modify it as required and then to select it for the model on a user's menu layout. In this way a user's interface can be modified from the point of user access to the model on the menu.

There is a unique constraint on the name of the Field Display Policy per hierarchy level. The same name can be used on another hierarchy, but a new name is needed at the same hierarchy.

A Field Display Policy can also be selected for a form that is part of a Wizard.

If a Field Display Policy is called 'default', it will apply to a model by default.

Clone a Field Display Policy

  1. Login as provider administrator or higher.
  2. Choose the desired hierarchy.
  3. Choose Customizations > Field Display Policies to show the list of existing Field Display Policies.
  4. Click on the field display policy that you want to clone.
  5. Choose Actions > Clone.
  6. Update the necessary fields for the cloned Field Display Policy. Refer to "Rules When Creating a Field Display Policy" for more information.
  7. Click Save.

The cloned Field Display Policy is available to be applied to the item by selecting it in a Menu Layout that is available to a Role.

Create a Field Display Policy

A Field Display Policy can be added to any of Data, Domain models, Relations, Views, Wizards to modify the default form that is available for the item.

  1. Choose the relevant hierarchy level.
  2. Click Add from System Configuration > Field Display Policies or choose the Field Display Policy button on the button bar from a menu item, for example from Site Administration > Lines.
  3. Enter the Name and and optionally a Description for the Field Display Policy. If the name is 'default', the Field Display Policy will apply to the target model type by default.
  4. Select or verify the model reference for the Target Model Type.
  5. Click Add adjacent to Groups and add a group Title. All the fields of the display policy should belong to a Group. If a group displays as a tab on the GUI, the Title is the tab title.
  6. On the Fields transfer boxes of the Group, select the required target model type fields from the Available box and add them to the Selected box. The available fields include fields from all versions of the schema of the target model type. Refer to the Rules When Creating a Field Display Policy topic for the caveats that apply when selecting the fields.
  7. For each selected field in a Selected transfer box, its attributes can be configured in the Field Overrides group:
  8. Click Save on the button bar to save the Field Display Policy.

The created Field Display Policy is available to be applied to the model by using it in a Menu Layout.

Rules When Creating a Field Display Policy

When creating groups and selecting the field transfer boxes of a group, a number of rules apply.

Regarding notation: if the fields belong to objects or arrays, the names in the transfer boxes are shown in dot notation. Refer to the target model type on-line help field reference to distinguish object types from array types.

To understand the rules below, consider a selected Target Model Type with the fields as listed below. Where the name starts with "A", the field is an array and where it starts with an "O" it is an object. The values "x", "y", "z" are also objects. The field "F" is neither object or array.

The following inclusion rules apply:

To order fields in a group, arrange them in the Selected box. Use the Move Up and the Move Down buttons under the box.

The following ordering rule applies:

The ordering of child fields and their parents depend on the presence of siblings, other parents and children. If a child is selected in a group and not its parent, but a sibling of that parent is selected, then the sibling's order will affect the order of the fields.

The logic of order resolution starts from parents to children, according to the rules below.

For example, we select fields in this order in Group 1:

C.z, A.x.b, A.x.c, B, A.y, A.x, C, C.w


Thus the final display order will be:

A.y, A.x, A.x.b, A.x.c, B, C.z, C.w

Further examples below illustrate the presence of parents, siblings and children on the selected order.

Add or Edit a Field Display Policy

A Field Display Policy can be added or edited.

  1. Login as provider administrator or higher.
  2. Choose the desired hierarchy.
  3. Choose System Configuration > Field Display Policies to show the list of existing Field Display Policies.
  4. Click Add on the button bar to create a new Field Display Policy and enter a new name in the Name field. Alternatively, you can edit an existing Field Display Policy by clicking on it and editing the fields as described below. If the name is ‘default’, the Field Display Policy is applied by default. There is a unique constraint on the name of the Field Display Policy per hierarchy level, so the same name as the original can be used on another hierarchy, but a new name is needed at the same hierarchy.
  5. Complete the following field display policy details:
    1. Optionally enter a Description for the Field Display Policy.
    2. Choose the model reference for the Target Model Type from the drop-down list.
    3. Click Add next to Groups, and complete the following:
      • Title - Enter the label text to be shown for the attribute. This is mandatory, and is the name that will be shown on the created tab.
      • Display as Fieldset - Check this check box to make sure that all fields are shown on the same page instead of a separate tab.
      • Number of Columns - Enter the required number of columns. The fields in the 'Selected' area (see Fields below) will be displayed in the number of columns specified in this field. The default is to display the fields in a single column.
      • Fields - Configure the fields that will be displayed on the tab. Choose the fields in the 'Available' area of the screen and click Select to move them to the 'Selected' area of the screen. Fields displayed in the 'Available' area are determined by selected Target Model Type. To adjust the position of a field in relation to the other fields, click on a field and use the Move Up and Move Down buttons.
    4. Click Add next to Field Overrides and complete the following:
      • Field - Choose the field name from the drop-down for which you want to create override text (a different label).
      • Title - Enter the required label text.
      • Help Text - Enter text to display as the field on-line help and form tool tip for the attribute. If no text is added, the model attribute description is shown.
      • Disabled - Check the Disabled check box if you want to hide the field (grey it out).
      • Input Type - Choose the required option from the drop-down to determined how the input field is displayed.
  6. Click Save on the button bar to save the Field Display Policy.

The created Field Display Policy is available to be applied to the item by selecting it in a Menu Layout that is available to a Role.

Field Display Policies are applied to data models and domain models in order to modify the default form that is displayed when instances of these models are created or accessed. With Field Display Policies, the fields on a model form can be grouped, hidden, on-line help text can be added, a field can be set as read-only, it can be provided with a new label and the field order on the form can be re-sequenced. More than one Field Display Policy can be created for a particular model so that the selection of a particular policy will present another view of the model form. A Field Display Policy can also be selected for a particular model in a User Role so that users that belong to this User Role will by default view the particular model according to this display policy.

Model Details: data/FieldDisplayPolicy

Title Description Details
Name * The name that is given to the Field Display Policy.
  • Field Name: name
  • Type: String
Description A description for the Field Display Policy instance.
  • Field Name: description
  • Type: String
Target Model Type * The target model type to which the Field Display Policy applies.
  • Field Name: target_model_type
  • Type: String
  • Format: uri
Display Groups As The display type to use for groups in this Field Display Policy.
  • Field Name: display_groups_as
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Tabs", "Panels"]
Groups The groups that describe groupings of attributes that are displayed together on the user interface.
  • Field Name: groups.[n]
  • Type: Array
Title * The title of a specific group of attributes.
  • Field Name: groups.[n].title
  • Type: String
Display as Fieldset Render this group as a fieldset in the form.
  • Field Name: groups.[n].display_as_fieldset
  • Type: Boolean
Number of Columns The number of columns of fields.
  • Field Name: groups.[n].num_cols
  • Type: Integer
Fields Model fields that will form part of the particular group.
  • Field Name: fields.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Field Name: fieldsets.[n]
  • Type: Array
Name * The name of the particular fieldset.
  • Field Name: fieldsets.[n].name
  • Type: String
Number of Columns The number of columns of fields.
  • Field Name: fieldsets.[n].num_cols
  • Type: Integer
Fields Model fields that will form part of the particular fieldset.
  • Field Name: fields.[n]
  • Type: Array
Field Overrides Field display policy overrides to apply to a model fields.
  • Field Name: field_overrides.[n]
  • Type: Array
Field * Name of the model field to override.
  • Field Name: field_overrides.[n].field
  • Type: String
  • Choices: [""]
Title New title to display for field.
  • Field Name: field_overrides.[n].title
  • Type: String
Help Text New help text to display for field.
  • Field Name: field_overrides.[n].help_text
  • Type: String
Disabled Will set the field to read-only if checked.
  • Field Name: field_overrides.[n].disabled
  • Type: Boolean
Input Type Overrides the input type of the field
  • Field Name: field_overrides.[n].input_type
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Default", "MultiSelect", "Transferbox", "Sequence", "Radiobutton", "MultiLine", "Grid", "Table", "CollapsedArray", "Accordion"]