
Model: data/ClassOfService

Class of Service

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Customer administrators and higher level administrators can create and maintain a Class of Service (CoS) that applies to subscribers.

A CoS specifies the CUCM and Calling Search Spaces (CSS) for a subscriber's line, thereby indicating whether local, national, and international numbers can be called.

An administrator can create a CoS at a customer level hierarchy. A CUCM is specified. A drop-down list of those available at the customer level is shown.

Optional device and line CSSs can also be added - either selected from those existing on the CUCM, or else added. Macros can also be used when adding new CSSs, for example, CSS-Gold-{{macro.SITENAME}}.

When a CoS is modified, the CUCM can't be modified. To refer to another CUCM, either clone an existing CoS, else, delete it and re-add it.

Add a Class of Service (Subscriber)

  1. Log in as a Customer administrator or higher.

System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 35)

Enumerated list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.

2. Choose the relevant customer hierarchy. 2. Go to (default menus) Subscriber Management > Class of Service. 3. Click Add. 4. From the CUCM drop-down, choose the relevant CUCM. 5. Fill out a name for the CoS. 6. From the Device CSS and Line CSS drop-downs, choose the relevant

System Message: ERROR/3 (<string>, line 41)

Unexpected indentation.

CSS types to be associated to this CoS.


The value can also be a macro that evaluates to a valid CSS type that already exists on the selected CUCM. Blank values are also allowed.

  1. Save your changes.

    You can view transaction progress and details in the Transaction Logs (when adding, updating, or deleting a subscriber's CoS).

Related Topics

Transaction Logging and Audit in the Core Feature Guide

Class of Service (Site) in the Core Feature Guide

This is the Class of Service (CoS) definition.

Model Details: data/ClassOfService

Title Description Details
  • Field Name: cucm_bkey
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/CallManager
  • Format: uri
  • Field Name: cucm
  • Type: String
CoS Name *
  • Field Name: cos_name
  • Type: String
Device CSS
  • Field Name: device_css
  • Type: String
Line CSS
  • Field Name: line_css
  • Type: String