
Model: relation/SparkUser

Webex Teams

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Webex Teams is a Cloud-Based Business Collaboration Service, which allows employees to message, meet, and call instantly in order to strengthen relationships and increase productivity.

Webex Teams combines mobile devices and other communications tools to provide instant communications and live meetings to ensure a professional and effective collaboration experience.

Webex Teams main functionality includes:


Configure a specific Subscription for organizations with multiple License Subscriptions, in other words where there is a single organization with more than one entitlement for a specific license, such as "Messaging".

Webex Teams Feature Reference

Webex App

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Cisco Webex is a cloud-based business collaboration service that allows employees to message, meet, and call instantly in order to strengthen relationships and increase productivity.

Cisco Webex combines mobile devices and other communications tools to provide instant communications and live meetings to ensure a professional and effective collaboration experience.

The table describes the main Cisco Webex features:

Feature Description
Messaging Business messaging allows users to prepare, share, and repeat content, and it facilitates one-on-one or team messaging facilities in virtual rooms.
Meeting Connect teams and meet customers easily with the added benefits of messaging and content sharing before, during, and after a meeting.
Call The service enables voice and video communications via mobile, desktop, and room-based devices. Connect your existing PSTN1 services to Cisco Webex to enjoy one-touch directory dialing and join meetings from anywhere on any device. Mobile users get features such as single number reach, single voicemail service, video services, and the ability to seamlessly move between devices during a call.

Cisco Webex Workflow


Only creating a Webex App service for Cisco Webex to function in VOSS Automate. The other steps are dependent on your particular requirements.

To access the flowcharts, view the topic via the release documentation at: https://documentation.voss-solutions.com/automate.html

Related Topics

Add Webex Teams User

Webex Teams Feature Reference

Use this procedure to add a Webex Teams User in VOSS-4-UC.

  1. Log in as provider, reseller, customer, or site administrator.

  2. Choose Webex Teams > Users. The Webex Teams Users screen is displayed showing all Webex Teams Users (synced, or added in VOSS-4-UC).

  3. Click Add on the button bar.

  4. Choose the required site from the Hierarchy drop-down to which you want to add the Webex Teams user and click OK.

  5. Enter the following information on the Webex Teams Users input form:

  6. On the Account Details tab complete, at minimum, the mandatory fields:

    The Status read only field shows for created users. A textual description of the user status based on Login Enabled and Invite Pending. For example: "The user has never logged in; a status cannot be determined".

    If native calling is enabled, Phone Numbers and Extension fields can be exposed for the user.

  7. On the Services tab, choose the required enabled Services for the user by selecting the check boxes:



    Hybrid Calendar Services

    Hybrid Call Services

    If calling is enabled for the user, a Calling group of controls also shows under the Services tab.

  8. On the Roles tab, choose the Roles for the user by selecting the check boxes:

  9. Click Save on the button bar when complete to add the Webex Teams User.

Delete Webex Teams User

Webex Teams Feature Reference

Use this procedure to delete a Webex Teams user (synced, or added via VOSS-4-UC).

  1. Log in as provider, reseller, customer, or site administrator.
  2. Set the hierarchy to the Customer or Site level.
  3. Choose Subscriber Management > Webex Teams Users.
  4. Select one or more check boxes next to the Webex Teams Users you want to delete, and then click Delete.
  5. Click Yes to continue to delete or No to abort the process.

This relation implements the workflows to manage Spark Users.

Model Details: relation/SparkUser

Title Description Details
  • Field Name: id
  • Type: String
First Name
  • Field Name: firstName
  • Type: String
Last Name
  • Field Name: lastName
  • Type: String
Email Address *
  • Field Name: email
  • Type: String
Webex Calling - Professional
  • Field Name: calling_pro
  • Type: Boolean
Work Number Work number for the person. e.g. +1 408 526 7209. This is only settable for a person with a Webex Calling license.
  • Field Name: workNumber
  • Type: String
Extension Webex Calling extension of the person. This is only settable for a person with a Webex Calling license.
  • Field Name: extension
  • Type: String
Phone Numbers Phone numbers for the person. Not settable.
  • Field Name: phoneNumbers.[n]
  • Type: Array
Type The type of phone number.
  • Field Name: phoneNumbers.[n].type
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Work", "Work Extension", "Mobile", "Fax"]
Number The phone number e.g. +1 408 526 7209
  • Field Name: phoneNumbers.[n].value
  • Type: String
SIP Addresses The users sip addresses.
  • Field Name: sipAddresses.[n]
  • Type: Array
Type The type of SIP address.
  • Field Name: sipAddresses.[n].type
  • Type: String
Number The SIP address
  • Field Name: sipAddresses.[n].value
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: sipAddresses.[n].primary
  • Type: Boolean
Addresses The users addresses.
  • Field Name: addresses.[n]
  • Type: Array
Type The type of address.
  • Field Name: addresses.[n].type
  • Type: String
Country The user's country. Example value: US
  • Field Name: addresses.[n].country
  • Type: String
Locality The user's locality, often city. Example value: Milpitas
  • Field Name: addresses.[n].locality
  • Type: String
Region The user's region, often state. Example value: California
  • Field Name: addresses.[n].region
  • Type: String
Street Address The user's street. Example value: 1099 Bird Ave.
  • Field Name: addresses.[n].streetAddress
  • Type: String
Postal Code The user's postal or zip code. Example value: 99212
  • Field Name: addresses.[n].postalCode
  • Type: String
Display Name *
  • Field Name: displayName
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: nickName
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: department
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: manager
  • Type: String
Manager ID
  • Field Name: managerId
  • Type: String
  • Target: /api/device/spark/User/choices/?field=email&format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=%3D%3D%24Wy65Dd44aznuzxcA%24D6gOidlV3fFKrWkFtW9OYSrbHKZYH41RkJ%2Bxv98yWdrdbZZQ5/fXHdDR8xcjAX3vHLiBiGWoFLzETJvynysxd4AV3bmIucGu6bSm32%2Bc7hnn56eOGWkmg2RSmAVv58TvdlGhHZ%2BoCuRrWM7ZiuOCNuCCusfMwP/15%2BSRWAgHgFwPoApSsQfF3w3KQA%2BtvAPfquPwePNsJju27i9olIfWRCWK32MyxCyS/G4N3lL2nkr1jFkMnHm91n4DD1k231MzrPciWnxkMVRC7LCGt67a/ixEdNrRftSN5CIFxaa1eqDEmvIOcdFLLLcOmcIgHUvZRXWghCgyaMGJLUWYNKrk27Es4E%2BhHN4SmqP%2BL3JOLTRx/lYPvQZjflW6%24%3D%3D
  • Target attr: email
  • Target Model Type: device/spark/User
  • Format: uri
  • Choices: []
  • Field Name: title
  • Type: String
Time Zone
  • Field Name: timezone
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: locationId
  • Type: String
  • Target: /api/device/spark/Location/choices/?field=name&format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=%3D%3D%24TZLyUpxO0g4ibOUY%24fP8Ym2yLk1lltJ60JKlqi6w1ObANU/X5EJ0ssxV01dPkTTeY7dYtdAiq3k7wigiV8YqKQDWN00vaIdWxmiDjeqgxUGv1O6C1/s2o6wni1jTcJdr7y3bCy/gwaJoSUa9QQmZQoWjwSHiATFtlUQFbCmOc2iuFpzUpet/lVdQmB1ghcHMBiimLRgfCos/E1cbdoHOmgLsoQPKuFv9Q1Cy5lMp6f/Df9u30Emnd2ypGywRGMoRSPg1cEk3WsIyN1JdRR72j0vpBElyj1cZIae7z4sMOi%2BAOiOq/wJ7NOCc7xgPsQxddONE4gStZUkWx%2BzbGyltlEg4YwP%2Bgy4KXbh0fqU05J511ui/fQ1PGi%2BfdCxvX5aQjlQTi42wcpP6m%24%3D%3D
  • Target attr: name
  • Target Model Type: device/spark/Location
  • Format: uri
  • Choices: []
Date Created
  • Field Name: created
  • Type: String
  • Format: date-time
  • Field Name: status
  • Type: String
User Type Default: person
  • Field Name: type
  • Type: String
  • Default: person
  • Choices: ["Person", "Bot", "App User (Guest User)"]
Invite Pending
  • Field Name: invitePending
  • Type: Boolean
Login Enabled
  • Field Name: loginEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Field to pass selected number from QAS workflow
  • Field Name: line
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: roles
  • Type: Object
No administrator privileges Default: true
  • Field Name: roles.none
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true
Full administrator privileges - User Management - Company Policy & Templates - Analytics & Reports - Support Metrics & Notifications - Licenses & Upgrades - Assign Roles
  • Field Name: roles.full
  • Type: Boolean
Read-only administrator privileges Read-only view of the portal. No changes will be accepted.
  • Field Name: roles.readonly
  • Type: Boolean
Support Administrator - Analytics & Reports - Support Metrics & Notifications
  • Field Name: roles.support
  • Type: Boolean
User and Device Administrator - User Management - Device Management - Licenses & Upgrades
  • Field Name: roles.user_device
  • Type: Boolean
Device Administrator - Device Management
  • Field Name: roles.device
  • Type: Boolean
Assigned Licenses
  • Field Name: licenses.[n]
  • Type: Array
License Select the license to assign to this user.
  • Field Name: licenses.[n].license
  • Type: String
  • Target: /api/device/spark/License/choices/?field=unique_name&format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=%3D%3D%24grwzDjYXwydGwD2M%24SgAdJ0YVSJA504/Zmu/W7SfV9wcV10IZTWwrrumq9Po%2BBA3IYTchQ290%2BgKlyUd0cc/8qQNydBFF7QJjVPyWTKNr2D7xnt7dpx1xTFeaZ3CKGcFwVqrHzWljAwDRni0Ioe2wDvmAMioUlAtpkHNTocrm1Seo59lYGUyREpqYCX22YzmKRhPn9SD9c6qwNVdiOd5AUkzZGb%2BMvFtblkpv%2BD%2Bt8qXqKOFhPybdsS3tJ%2BUsRAHwqZ%2BTQSm37GRTdVvLNzyOBm2nViL03bzUlK/UjIso%2BRq94B6nHGg5QbAnoNAFpNe9BJSOW9Purc7l0TBAL27K9xJKlc1/Ta5b%2B/qWR4hSDQtMzFTYiSYhIhcIzCbIhfVGBpsfRhyhV4cjku7N7jdq%24%3D%3D
  • Target attr: unique_name
  • Target Model Type: device/spark/License
  • Format: uri
  • Choices: []
  • Field Name: settings
  • Type: Object
  • Field Name: calling
  • Type: Object
Calling Behaviour This determines how a user makes calls in Webex App.
  • Field Name: settings.calling.calling_behaviour
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Calling in Webex App", "Calling in Webex App (Unified CM)", "Cisco Jabber app", "Third-Party app"]
Use Organization's Domain Enabling this will use the Webex App organization domain for Calling in Webex App (Unified CM)
  • Field Name: settings.calling.use_org_domain
  • Type: Boolean
UC Manager Profile
  • Field Name: settings.calling.calling_behaviour_uc_manager_profile
  • Type: String
  • Target: /api/device/spark/CallingProfile/choices/?field=name&format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=%3D%3D%24IO72L1a6JKHAOilb%24wbPUYCqC8RZo2sDM5a5bMliQ9uGLfMasg0pxpsI3Ju1CrC8TrHJ3yMMjjr/dPJBU%2B9pK6m9svWV4nCeoGT1wcw2HOQzEyAWwk3XkH9fl1wBcNQ%2Ba0ozle2a4r/RQMHVm6VDZtNUKVkeDk/Gms25VUTgCWkfdsqo1ByRmeRCjfpt9h2yiDUhcG2UywqsZimnxAryan%2BnWKAFCBh3%2BNG4pGbWX4LR1ochTNNBVAaZJbSgnROmg3%2BeAoWGhvsRX/eMg0Y2kzC2t0lCQeQbKbD6WRWmGLBNtrWDDbO5p7RK2l7p3a00x3xy4XOuMCw4LNUDvb5LCA5vPzmtKLVxeMnlUpwK/ylfxvjkBFqMR1CtzHJB2wQuL71pqBvH89xff3pD7d1XL%24%3D%3D
  • Target attr: name
  • Target Model Type: device/spark/CallingProfile
  • Format: uri
  • Choices: []
Create iPhone Device Default: true
  • Field Name: settings.calling.SparkiPhoneDevice
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true
Create Android Device Default: true
  • Field Name: settings.calling.SparkAndroidDevice
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true
Create Tablet Device Default: true
  • Field Name: settings.calling.SparkTabletDevice
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true
Create CSF Device Default: true
  • Field Name: settings.calling.SparkCSFDevice
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true
Spark Services
  • Field Name: SparkServices
  • Type: Object
  • Field Name: SparkServices.name
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: SparkServices.configuredCallingBehaviour
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Calling
  • Type: Object
  • Field Name: Calling.id
  • Type: String
First Name
  • Field Name: Calling.firstName
  • Type: String
Last Name
  • Field Name: Calling.lastName
  • Type: String
Display Name
  • Field Name: Calling.displayName
  • Type: String
Email Address *
  • Field Name: Calling.email
  • Type: String
Webex Calling - Professional
  • Field Name: Calling.calling_pro
  • Type: Boolean
Do Not Disturb DND settings for a user
  • Field Name: dnd
  • Type: Object
Enabled Do Not Disturb will direct all calls to a busy signal
  • Field Name: Calling.dnd.enabled
  • Type: Boolean
Ring Splash Enabled Enable ring reminder on your Cisco IP phone
  • Field Name: Calling.dnd.ringSplashEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Voicemail Voicemail settings for a user
  • Field Name: voicemail
  • Type: Object
  • Field Name: Calling.voicemail.enabled
  • Type: Boolean
Send All Calls
  • Field Name: sendAllCalls
  • Type: Object
Send all incoming calls to voicemail
  • Field Name: Calling.voicemail.sendAllCalls.enabled
  • Type: Boolean
Send Busy Calls
  • Field Name: sendBusyCalls
  • Type: Object
Send calls to voicemail when the line is engaged
  • Field Name: Calling.voicemail.sendBusyCalls.enabled
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: Calling.voicemail.sendBusyCalls.greeting
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Custom", "Default"]
Greeting Uploaded greetingUploaded
  • Field Name: Calling.voicemail.sendBusyCalls.greetingUploaded
  • Type: Boolean
Send Unanswered Calls
  • Field Name: sendUnansweredCalls
  • Type: Object
Send calls to voicemail when unanswered
  • Field Name: Calling.voicemail.sendUnansweredCalls.enabled
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: Calling.voicemail.sendUnansweredCalls.greeting
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Custom", "Default"]
Greeting Uploaded greetingUploaded
  • Field Name: Calling.voicemail.sendUnansweredCalls.greetingUploaded
  • Type: Boolean
Number of rings before playing the ‘no answer’ message
  • Field Name: Calling.voicemail.sendUnansweredCalls.numberOfRings
  • Type: Integer
System Max Number Of Rings before forwarding to voicemail System Max number of rings setting
  • Field Name: Calling.voicemail.sendUnansweredCalls.systemMaxNumberOfRings
  • Type: Integer
  • Field Name: notifications
  • Type: Object
Receive notification of any new voice messages
  • Field Name: Calling.voicemail.notifications.enabled
  • Type: Boolean
Destination email
  • Field Name: Calling.voicemail.notifications.destination
  • Type: String
Transfer To Number
  • Field Name: transferToNumber
  • Type: Object
Transfer on ‘0’ to another line To tell the caller that pressing ‘0’ will transfer to a specific phone number, a custom greeting must be recorded
  • Field Name: Calling.voicemail.transferToNumber.enabled
  • Type: Boolean
Destination Transfer callers to this phone number
  • Field Name: Calling.voicemail.transferToNumber.destination
  • Type: String
Email Copy Of Message
  • Field Name: emailCopyOfMessage
  • Type: Object
Email a copy of the voicemail message
  • Field Name: Calling.voicemail.emailCopyOfMessage.enabled
  • Type: Boolean
Email Id Use this email address for voicemail messages
  • Field Name: Calling.voicemail.emailCopyOfMessage.emailId
  • Type: String
Message Storage messageStorage
  • Field Name: messageStorage
  • Type: Object
Mwi Enabled mwiEnabled
  • Field Name: Calling.voicemail.messageStorage.mwiEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Storage Type
  • Field Name: Calling.voicemail.messageStorage.storageType
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Internal", "External"]
External Email externalEmail
  • Field Name: Calling.voicemail.messageStorage.externalEmail
  • Type: String
Fax Message faxMessage
  • Field Name: faxMessage
  • Type: Object
Enabled enabled
  • Field Name: Calling.voicemail.faxMessage.enabled
  • Type: Boolean
Phone Number phoneNumber
  • Field Name: Calling.voicemail.faxMessage.phoneNumber
  • Type: String
Extension extension
  • Field Name: Calling.voicemail.faxMessage.extension
  • Type: String
Incoming Permission Incoming Permission settings for a user
  • Field Name: incomingPermission
  • Type: Object
Use Custom Settings Use Custom Settings
  • Field Name: Calling.incomingPermission.useCustomEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Allow External Calls
  • Field Name: Calling.incomingPermission.externalTransfer
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Allow All External", "Allow Only Transferred External", "Block All External"]
Allow Internal Calls
  • Field Name: Calling.incomingPermission.internalCallsEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Allow Collect Calls
  • Field Name: Calling.incomingPermission.collectCallsEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Outgoing Permission Outgoing Permission settings for a user
  • Field Name: outgoingPermission
  • Type: Object
Use Custom Settings
  • Field Name: Calling.outgoingPermission.useCustomEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Calling Permissions callingPermissions
  • Field Name: callingPermissions.[n]
  • Type: Array
Call Type
  • Field Name: Calling.outgoingPermission.callingPermissions.[n].callType
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Calling.outgoingPermission.callingPermissions.[n].action
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Allow", "Block", "Auth Code", "Transfer Number 1", "Transfer Number 2", "Transfer Number 3"]
Allow transfers and forwards
  • Field Name: Calling.outgoingPermission.callingPermissions.[n].transferEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Call Forward Call Forward settings for a user
  • Field Name: callForward
  • Type: Object
Call Forwarding Call Forwarding Settings
  • Field Name: callForwarding
  • Type: Object
Always always
  • Field Name: always
  • Type: Object
  • Field Name: Calling.callForward.callForwarding.always.enabled
  • Type: Boolean
Destination Forward calls to this phone number
  • Field Name: Calling.callForward.callForwarding.always.destination
  • Type: String
Ring Reminder Enabled Play a brief tone for forwarded calls
  • Field Name: Calling.callForward.callForwarding.always.ringReminderEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Destination Voicemail Enabled Allow forwarded calls to leave a voicemail
  • Field Name: Calling.callForward.callForwarding.always.destinationVoicemailEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Busy busy
  • Field Name: busy
  • Type: Object
  • Field Name: Calling.callForward.callForwarding.busy.enabled
  • Type: Boolean
Destination Forward calls to this phone number
  • Field Name: Calling.callForward.callForwarding.busy.destination
  • Type: String
Destination Voicemail Enabled Allow forwarded calls to leave a voicemail
  • Field Name: Calling.callForward.callForwarding.busy.destinationVoicemailEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
No Answer noAnswer
  • Field Name: noAnswer
  • Type: Object
  • Field Name: Calling.callForward.callForwarding.noAnswer.enabled
  • Type: Boolean
Destination Forward calls to this phone number
  • Field Name: Calling.callForward.callForwarding.noAnswer.destination
  • Type: String
Number of rings before forwarding Number of rings before call is forwarded to selected destination
  • Field Name: Calling.callForward.callForwarding.noAnswer.numberOfRings
  • Type: Integer
System Max Number Of Rings before forwarding System Max number of rings setting
  • Field Name: Calling.callForward.callForwarding.noAnswer.systemMaxNumberOfRings
  • Type: Integer
Destination Voicemail Enabled Allow forwarded calls to leave a voicemail
  • Field Name: Calling.callForward.callForwarding.noAnswer.destinationVoicemailEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Business Continuity businessContinuity
  • Field Name: businessContinuity
  • Type: Object
  • Field Name: Calling.callForward.businessContinuity.enabled
  • Type: Boolean
Destination Forward calls to this phone number
  • Field Name: Calling.callForward.businessContinuity.destination
  • Type: String
Allow forwarded calls to leave a voicemail This option works if the number you enter is an internal phone number or extension, and the number has voicemail enabled
  • Field Name: Calling.callForward.businessContinuity.destinationVoicemailEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Call Waiting Call Waiting settings for a user
  • Field Name: callWaiting
  • Type: Object
Enabled Receive another call during a call
  • Field Name: Calling.callWaiting.enabled
  • Type: Boolean
Intercept Intercept settings for a user
  • Field Name: intercept
  • Type: Object
Enabled You can disconnect this user’s phone line and give callers a detailed announcement and alternative routing options. Incoming and outgoing call intercept settings are configured separately. Any intercept settings defined here will override the default location intercept settings.
  • Field Name: Calling.intercept.enabled
  • Type: Boolean
Choose incoming calls permissions for this user.
  • Field Name: incoming
  • Type: Object
  • Field Name: Calling.intercept.incoming.type
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Intercept All", "Allow All"]
Send calls to voicemail Route all calls to voicemail. If the user doesn’t have voicemail, then the caller will hear the announcement message.
  • Field Name: Calling.intercept.incoming.voicemailEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Announcements announcements
  • Field Name: announcements
  • Type: Object
  • Field Name: Calling.intercept.incoming.announcements.greeting
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Custom", "Default"]
  • Field Name: Calling.intercept.incoming.announcements.filename
  • Type: String
New Number
  • Field Name: newNumber
  • Type: Object
Play new number announcements
  • Field Name: Calling.intercept.incoming.announcements.newNumber.enabled
  • Type: Boolean
Destination Destination Number
  • Field Name: Calling.intercept.incoming.announcements.newNumber.destination
  • Type: String
Zero Transfer
  • Field Name: zeroTransfer
  • Type: Object
Transfer on '0' to this phone number
  • Field Name: Calling.intercept.incoming.announcements.zeroTransfer.enabled
  • Type: Boolean
Destination Destination Number
  • Field Name: Calling.intercept.incoming.announcements.zeroTransfer.destination
  • Type: String
Outgoing outgoing
  • Field Name: outgoing
  • Type: Object
Type type
  • Field Name: Calling.intercept.outgoing.type
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Intercept All", "Allow Local Only"]
Transfer Enabled transferEnabled
  • Field Name: Calling.intercept.outgoing.transferEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Destination destination
  • Field Name: Calling.intercept.outgoing.destination
  • Type: String
Monitoring Monitoring settings for a user
  • Field Name: monitoring
  • Type: Object
Call Park Notification Enabled callParkNotificationEnabled
  • Field Name: Calling.monitoring.callParkNotificationEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Member member
  • Field Name: member.[n]
  • Type: Array
Display Name
  • Field Name: Calling.monitoring.member.[n].displayName
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Calling.monitoring.member.[n].id
  • Type: String
  • Target: /api/device/spark/UserConfig/choices/?field=email&format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=%3D%3D%24uYljW6MBUpvrrJ5m%24jtTbTd3hGiCOlSgSHGc%2B2mnwawUEs/5RZAZkaBJ0GhLPlvAt7tDJG5VbVioFj0x1EO0ARm9DZxrJCiv8hq0QrlH8FhcKpXqR16NT4Z2EqwffXnQvngNsQ6Xx4RKkWAIgP50pE2BaklKLZjZ02T2OAKM9wy7schInUjHnpZ/CzsgLgnpRE%2BPDsSChf5EN8ZaajRYR3p6RjDg895auSF84VoYerZSkunuz/DwDnM1HA3vDD1hgzXgHRKlap2/cb%2BRvCNyEdVdH0hzzhnfhmHgTMN6HVmlszzxnkIgSp9SEeklPX2KmeDdwEKsUEoVhqsvBn0Y02kCW34aZtaf5r8kD03HOmXGypGHoVW75JenbuPmAtZzqeAHl7WDssYSqyaQi%24%3D%3D
  • Target attr: email
  • Target Model Type: device/spark/UserConfig
  • Format: uri
  • Choices: []
First Name
  • Field Name: Calling.monitoring.member.[n].firstName
  • Type: String
Last Name
  • Field Name: Calling.monitoring.member.[n].lastName
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Calling.monitoring.member.[n].type
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["People", "Place", "Virtual Line"]
  • Field Name: Calling.monitoring.member.[n].email
  • Type: String
Numbers numbers
  • Field Name: numbers.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Field Name: Calling.monitoring.member.[n].numbers.[n].external
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Calling.monitoring.member.[n].numbers.[n].extension
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Calling.monitoring.member.[n].numbers.[n].primary
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: Calling.monitoring.member.[n].location
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Calling.monitoring.member.[n].locationId
  • Type: String
Call Park Extension callparkextension
  • Field Name: callparkextension.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Field Name: Calling.monitoring.callparkextension.[n].name
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Calling.monitoring.callparkextension.[n].id
  • Type: String
  • Target: /api/device/spark/CallParkExtensions/choices/?field=name&format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=%3D%3D%24pUtVQisjWKSEbnoO%24K2ZSDzy1GtNnmXDl8RipiacX1bWSFi5U9Gk2PprwqoB3vWpBwVBiQa3zdFycPNE6tSmACFa26yguOcGnDN7UkYGdEc/l9Vv%2BmYiRvm%2B9PaSejYqjehlJ3WuKDRK2Me0SIGErpohAkyVrakndacv0MZL7WiarQG0RD6WnJuU9WEw6%2BfPL6tW12pKmv/OA7FYvn2nZIgjI6aJXugY7jMq7TIdATrHIrMURbRFdGi%2BZs4xKMln19msjLqWyTJMQC79Ck6h/QZ%2BGa/F%2BGWl0YFbTbsr6TuVzRzK6gF9%2BFK/uL8EpkjmZTgiEPDS/sH5Pq17EafuZcCjFyliiQfd2N/HI/mVtNBHnkJPMSvl%2BiDVM9JXEmCllOvUdCwD0TcnMJXKOtoh%2BrxGOEg%3D%3D%24%3D%3D
  • Target attr: name
  • Target Model Type: device/spark/CallParkExtensions
  • Format: uri
  • Choices: []
  • Field Name: Calling.monitoring.callparkextension.[n].extension
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Calling.monitoring.callparkextension.[n].location
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Calling.monitoring.callparkextension.[n].locationId
  • Type: String
Call Bridge Call Bridge settings for a user
  • Field Name: callBridge
  • Type: Object
Call bridging warning tone Play an entry tone to all participants upon bridge-in.
  • Field Name: Calling.callBridge.warningToneEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Push To Talk Push To Talk settings for a user
  • Field Name: pushToTalk
  • Type: Object
Auto answer calls
  • Field Name: Calling.pushToTalk.allowAutoAnswer
  • Type: Boolean
Connection Type Selecting One-way will allow this user only to talk to others. For others to be able to talk back, Two-way must be selected.
  • Field Name: Calling.pushToTalk.connectionType
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["One Way", "Two Way"]
Type of Access for Users
  • Field Name: Calling.pushToTalk.accessType
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Allow Members", "Block Members"]
Members members
  • Field Name: members.[n]
  • Type: Array
Display Name
  • Field Name: Calling.pushToTalk.members.[n].displayName
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Calling.pushToTalk.members.[n].id
  • Type: String
  • Target: /api/device/spark/UserConfig/choices/?field=email&format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=%3D%3D%24uYljW6MBUpvrrJ5m%24jtTbTd3hGiCOlSgSHGc%2B2mnwawUEs/5RZAZkaBJ0GhLPlvAt7tDJG5VbVioFj0x1EO0ARm9DZxrJCiv8hq0QrlH8FhcKpXqR16NT4Z2EqwffXnQvngNsQ6Xx4RKkWAIgP50pE2BaklKLZjZ02T2OAKM9wy7schInUjHnpZ/CzsgLgnpRE%2BPDsSChf5EN8ZaajRYR3p6RjDg895auSF84VoYerZSkunuz/DwDnM1HA3vDD1hgzXgHRKlap2/cb%2BRvCNyEdVdH0hzzhnfhmHgTMN6HVmlszzxnkIgSp9SEeklPX2KmeDdwEKsUEoVhqsvBn0Y02kCW34aZtaf5r8kD03HOmXGypGHoVW75JenbuPmAtZzqeAHl7WDssYSqyaQi%24%3D%3D
  • Target attr: email
  • Target Model Type: device/spark/UserConfig
  • Format: uri
  • Choices: []
First Name
  • Field Name: Calling.pushToTalk.members.[n].firstName
  • Type: String
Last Name
  • Field Name: Calling.pushToTalk.members.[n].lastName
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Calling.pushToTalk.members.[n].type
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["People", "Place", "Virtual Line"]
  • Field Name: Calling.pushToTalk.members.[n].email
  • Type: String
Numbers numbers
  • Field Name: numbers.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Field Name: Calling.pushToTalk.members.[n].numbers.[n].external
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Calling.pushToTalk.members.[n].numbers.[n].extension
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Calling.pushToTalk.members.[n].numbers.[n].primary
  • Type: Boolean
Call Recording Call Recording settings for a user
  • Field Name: callRecording
  • Type: Object
  • Field Name: Calling.callRecording.enabled
  • Type: Boolean
Start Recording Criteria for recording a call
  • Field Name: Calling.callRecording.record
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Always", "Never", "Always with Pause/Resume", "On Demand with User Initiated Start"]
Record voice messaging
  • Field Name: Calling.callRecording.recordVoicemailEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Recording start/stop announcement Manage playing audible announcements when recording starts or stops. You can control audible announcements for internal and PSTN calls
  • Field Name: startStopAnnouncement
  • Type: Object
Play recording start/stop announcement for internal calls
  • Field Name: Calling.callRecording.startStopAnnouncement.internalCallsEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Play recording start/stop announcement for PSTN calls
  • Field Name: Calling.callRecording.startStopAnnouncement.pstnCallsEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Notification Recording Reminder Tone
  • Field Name: notification
  • Type: Object
Type type
  • Field Name: Calling.callRecording.notification.type
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["None", "Beep", "Play Announcement"]
Enabled enabled
  • Field Name: Calling.callRecording.notification.enabled
  • Type: Boolean
Repeat repeat
  • Field Name: repeat
  • Type: Object
Repeat interval
  • Field Name: Calling.callRecording.repeat.interval
  • Type: Integer
  • Choices: ["10", "20", "30", "40", "50", "60", "70", "80", "90"]
  • Field Name: Calling.callRecording.repeat.enabled
  • Type: Boolean
Service Provider
  • Field Name: Calling.callRecording.serviceProvider
  • Type: String
External Group
  • Field Name: Calling.callRecording.externalGroup
  • Type: String
External Identifier
  • Field Name: Calling.callRecording.externalIdentifier
  • Type: String
Executive Assistant Executive Assistant settings for a user
  • Field Name: executiveAssistant
  • Type: Object
Type This service allows an Executive to select from a pool of Assistants, who have been assigned the Executive Assistant feature and who can answer or place calls on their behalf.
  • Field Name: Calling.executiveAssistant.type
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Unassigned", "Executive", "Executive Assistant"]
Barge In Barge In settings for a user
  • Field Name: bargeIn
  • Type: Object
Enabled Allow other users to add themselves to this user’s ongoing call, making it a conference call.
  • Field Name: Calling.bargeIn.enabled
  • Type: Boolean
Tone Enabled Play a tone when this user Barges In on a call
  • Field Name: Calling.bargeIn.toneEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Receptionist Receptionist settings for a user
  • Field Name: receptionist
  • Type: Object
Reception Enabled receptionEnabled
  • Field Name: Calling.receptionist.receptionEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Monitored Members monitoredMembers
  • Field Name: monitoredMembers.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Field Name: Calling.receptionist.monitoredMembers.[n].id
  • Type: String
  • Target: /api/device/spark/UserConfig/choices/?field=email&format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=%3D%3D%24uYljW6MBUpvrrJ5m%24jtTbTd3hGiCOlSgSHGc%2B2mnwawUEs/5RZAZkaBJ0GhLPlvAt7tDJG5VbVioFj0x1EO0ARm9DZxrJCiv8hq0QrlH8FhcKpXqR16NT4Z2EqwffXnQvngNsQ6Xx4RKkWAIgP50pE2BaklKLZjZ02T2OAKM9wy7schInUjHnpZ/CzsgLgnpRE%2BPDsSChf5EN8ZaajRYR3p6RjDg895auSF84VoYerZSkunuz/DwDnM1HA3vDD1hgzXgHRKlap2/cb%2BRvCNyEdVdH0hzzhnfhmHgTMN6HVmlszzxnkIgSp9SEeklPX2KmeDdwEKsUEoVhqsvBn0Y02kCW34aZtaf5r8kD03HOmXGypGHoVW75JenbuPmAtZzqeAHl7WDssYSqyaQi%24%3D%3D
  • Target attr: email
  • Target Model Type: device/spark/UserConfig
  • Format: uri
  • Choices: []
Last Name
  • Field Name: Calling.receptionist.monitoredMembers.[n].lastName
  • Type: String
First Name
  • Field Name: Calling.receptionist.monitoredMembers.[n].firstName
  • Type: String
Display Name
  • Field Name: Calling.receptionist.monitoredMembers.[n].displayName
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Calling.receptionist.monitoredMembers.[n].type
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["People", "Place", "Virtual Line"]
  • Field Name: Calling.receptionist.monitoredMembers.[n].email
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: numbers.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Field Name: Calling.receptionist.monitoredMembers.[n].numbers.[n].external
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Calling.receptionist.monitoredMembers.[n].numbers.[n].extension
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Calling.receptionist.monitoredMembers.[n].numbers.[n].primary
  • Type: String
Hoteling Hoteling settings for a user
  • Field Name: hoteling
  • Type: Object
Enabled enabled
  • Field Name: Calling.hoteling.enabled
  • Type: Boolean
Privacy Privacy settings for a user
  • Field Name: privacy
  • Type: Object
AA Extension Dialing Enabled Allow this user to be dialled by extension
  • Field Name: Calling.privacy.aaExtensionDialingEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
AA Naming Dialing Enabled Allow this user to be dialled by first or last name
  • Field Name: Calling.privacy.aaNamingDialingEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Enable Phone Status Directory Privacy Only the users selected below will be allowed to monitor this user's phone-line status.
  • Field Name: Calling.privacy.enablePhoneStatusDirectoryPrivacy
  • Type: Boolean
Monitoring Agents monitoringAgents
  • Field Name: monitoringAgents.[n]
  • Type: Array
Display Name
  • Field Name: Calling.privacy.monitoringAgents.[n].displayName
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Calling.privacy.monitoringAgents.[n].id
  • Type: String
  • Target: /api/device/spark/UserConfig/choices/?field=email&format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=%3D%3D%24uYljW6MBUpvrrJ5m%24jtTbTd3hGiCOlSgSHGc%2B2mnwawUEs/5RZAZkaBJ0GhLPlvAt7tDJG5VbVioFj0x1EO0ARm9DZxrJCiv8hq0QrlH8FhcKpXqR16NT4Z2EqwffXnQvngNsQ6Xx4RKkWAIgP50pE2BaklKLZjZ02T2OAKM9wy7schInUjHnpZ/CzsgLgnpRE%2BPDsSChf5EN8ZaajRYR3p6RjDg895auSF84VoYerZSkunuz/DwDnM1HA3vDD1hgzXgHRKlap2/cb%2BRvCNyEdVdH0hzzhnfhmHgTMN6HVmlszzxnkIgSp9SEeklPX2KmeDdwEKsUEoVhqsvBn0Y02kCW34aZtaf5r8kD03HOmXGypGHoVW75JenbuPmAtZzqeAHl7WDssYSqyaQi%24%3D%3D
  • Target attr: email
  • Target Model Type: device/spark/UserConfig
  • Format: uri
  • Choices: []
Last Name
  • Field Name: Calling.privacy.monitoringAgents.[n].lastName
  • Type: String
First Name
  • Field Name: Calling.privacy.monitoringAgents.[n].firstName
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Calling.privacy.monitoringAgents.[n].type
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["People", "Place", "Virtual Line"]
  • Field Name: Calling.privacy.monitoringAgents.[n].email
  • Type: String
Location location
  • Field Name: location
  • Type: Object
Name name
  • Field Name: Calling.privacy.monitoringAgents.[n].location.name
  • Type: String
Id id
  • Field Name: Calling.privacy.monitoringAgents.[n].location.id
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: numbers.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Field Name: Calling.privacy.monitoringAgents.[n].numbers.[n].external
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Calling.privacy.monitoringAgents.[n].numbers.[n].extension
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Calling.privacy.monitoringAgents.[n].numbers.[n].primary
  • Type: Boolean
Caller Id Caller ID settings for a user
  • Field Name: caller_id
  • Type: Object
Types types
  • Field Name: types.[n]
  • Type: Array
Selected CLI Source Selected the required source of the Caller ID
  • Field Name: Calling.caller_id.selected
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Direct Line", "Location Number", "Mobile Number", "Custom"]
Direct Line The user's direct number
  • Field Name: Calling.caller_id.directNumber
  • Type: String
Extension Number The user's extension number
  • Field Name: Calling.caller_id.extensionNumber
  • Type: String
Location Number The number specified for the location
  • Field Name: Calling.caller_id.locationNumber
  • Type: String
Mobile Number The user's mobile number
  • Field Name: Calling.caller_id.mobileNumber
  • Type: String
Location Number is Toll free The location number is a toll free number
  • Field Name: Calling.caller_id.tollFreeLocationNumber
  • Type: Boolean
Custom Number A custom number for the user
  • Field Name: Calling.caller_id.customNumber
  • Type: String
First Name
  • Field Name: Calling.caller_id.firstName
  • Type: String
Last Name
  • Field Name: Calling.caller_id.lastName
  • Type: String
Block caller ID for received calls Block this user's identity when receiving a call.
  • Field Name: Calling.caller_id.blockInForwardCallsEnabled
  • Type: Boolean
Selected Caller Name Source Selected the required source of the Caller Name
  • Field Name: Calling.caller_id.externalCallerIdNamePolicy
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Direct Line", "Location", "Other"]
Custom Name A custom name for the user
  • Field Name: Calling.caller_id.customExternalCallerIdName
  • Type: String
Location Name The name specified for the location
  • Field Name: Calling.caller_id.locationExternalCallerIdName
  • Type: String
Devices Devices associated with a user
  • Field Name: devices
  • Type: Object
Max Device Count maxDeviceCount
  • Field Name: Calling.devices.maxDeviceCount
  • Type: Integer
Device Device
  • Field Name: device.[n]
  • Type: Array
Mac Address
  • Field Name: Calling.devices.device.[n].mac
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Calling.devices.device.[n].model
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Calling.devices.device.[n].type
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Calling.devices.device.[n].id
  • Type: String
Activation State
  • Field Name: Calling.devices.device.[n].activationState
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: description.[n]
  • Type: Array
Primary Owner
  • Field Name: Calling.devices.device.[n].primaryOwner
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: owner
  • Type: Object
Id id
  • Field Name: Calling.devices.device.[n].owner.id
  • Type: String
Type type
  • Field Name: Calling.devices.device.[n].owner.type
  • Type: String
First Name
  • Field Name: Calling.devices.device.[n].owner.firstName
  • Type: String
Last Name
  • Field Name: Calling.devices.device.[n].owner.lastName
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: hoteling
  • Type: Object
Limit Guest Use
  • Field Name: Calling.devices.device.[n].hoteling.limitGuestUse
  • Type: Boolean
Enabled Allow this device to be used as a hotelling host by visiting guests
  • Field Name: Calling.devices.device.[n].hoteling.enabled
  • Type: Boolean
Guest Hours Limit Limit the time a guest can use this phone
  • Field Name: Calling.devices.device.[n].hoteling.guestHoursLimit
  • Type: Integer