Model ref.: device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy
The full URL would include the host-proxy name: https://[host-proxy].
Variables are enclosed in square brackets.
{ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-03/schema", "type": "object", "properties": { "HelpEnvironment": { "type": "string", "name": "HelpEnvironment", "title": "Help Environment" }, "DGRefreshInterval": { "type": "string", "name": "DGRefreshInterval", "title": "DG Refresh Interval" }, "DisableMeetingSubjectAndLocation": { "type": "boolean", "name": "DisableMeetingSubjectAndLocation", "title": "Disable Meeting Subject And Location" }, "PlayAbbreviatedDialTone": { "type": "boolean", "name": "PlayAbbreviatedDialTone", "title": "Play Abbreviated Dial Tone" }, "ShowSharepointPhotoEditLink": { "type": "boolean", "name": "ShowSharepointPhotoEditLink", "title": "Show Sharepoint Photo Edit Link" }, "SPSearchInternalURL": { "type": "string", "name": "SPSearchInternalURL", "title": "SP Search Internal URL" }, "ConferenceIMIdleTimeoutExtended": { "type": "string", "name": "ConferenceIMIdleTimeoutExtended", "title": "Conference IM Idle Timeout Extended" }, "EnableUnencryptedFileTransfer": { "type": "boolean", "name": "EnableUnencryptedFileTransfer", "title": "Enable Unencrypted File Transfer" }, "EnableCallLogAutoArchiving": { "type": "boolean", "name": "EnableCallLogAutoArchiving", "title": "Enable Call Log Auto Archiving" }, "DisableHtmlIm": { "type": "boolean", "name": "DisableHtmlIm", "title": "Disable Html Im" }, "DisablePresenceNote": { "type": "boolean", "name": "DisablePresenceNote", "title": "Disable Presence Note" }, "EnableClientMusicOnHold": { "type": "boolean", "name": "EnableClientMusicOnHold", "title": "Enable Client Music On Hold" }, "SPSearchCenterExternalURL": { "type": "string", "name": "SPSearchCenterExternalURL", "title": "SP Search Center External URL" }, "TracingLevel": { "type": "string", "name": "TracingLevel", "title": "Tracing Level" }, "EnableSkypeUI": { "type": "boolean", "name": "EnableSkypeUI", "title": "Enable Skype UI" }, "DisableEmoticons": { "type": "boolean", "name": "DisableEmoticons", "title": "Disable Emoticons" }, "ConferenceIMIdleTimeout": { "type": "string", "name": "ConferenceIMIdleTimeout", "title": "Conference IM Idle Timeout" }, "CustomStateUrl": { "type": "string", "name": "CustomStateUrl", "title": "Custom State Url" }, "MaximumNumberOfContacts": { "type": "string", "name": "MaximumNumberOfContacts", "title": "Maximum Number Of Contacts" }, "EnableHotdesking": { "type": "boolean", "name": "EnableHotdesking", "title": "Enable Hotdesking" }, "RateMyCallAllowCustomUserFeedback": { "type": "boolean", "name": "RateMyCallAllowCustomUserFeedback", "title": "Rate My Call Allow Custom User Feedback" }, "EnableIMAutoArchiving": { "type": "boolean", "name": "EnableIMAutoArchiving", "title": "Enable IM Auto Archiving" }, "EnableServerConversationHistory": { "type": "boolean", "name": "EnableServerConversationHistory", "title": "Enable Server Conversation History" }, "EnableFullScreenVideo": { "type": "boolean", "name": "EnableFullScreenVideo", "title": "Enable Full Screen Video" }, "DisableSavingIM": { "type": "boolean", "name": "DisableSavingIM", "title": "Disable Saving IM" }, "DisablePoorDeviceWarnings": { "type": "boolean", "name": "DisablePoorDeviceWarnings", "title": "Disable Poor Device Warnings" }, "AddressBookAvailability": { "type": "string", "name": "AddressBookAvailability", "title": "Address Book Availability" }, "DisablePICPromptDisplayName": { "type": "boolean", "name": "DisablePICPromptDisplayName", "title": "Disable PIC Prompt Display Name" }, "EnableAppearOffline": { "type": "boolean", "name": "EnableAppearOffline", "title": "Enable Appear Offline" }, "DisableFreeBusyInfo": { "type": "boolean", "name": "DisableFreeBusyInfo", "title": "Disable Free Busy Info" }, "EnableExchangeDelegateSync": { "type": "boolean", "name": "EnableExchangeDelegateSync", "title": "Enable Exchange Delegate Sync" }, "MaximumDGsAllowedInContactList": { "type": "integer", "name": "MaximumDGsAllowedInContactList", "title": "Maximum DGs Allowed In Contact List" }, "DisableHandsetOnLockedMachine": { "type": "boolean", "name": "DisableHandsetOnLockedMachine", "title": "Disable Handset On Locked Machine" }, "MAPIPollInterval": { "type": "string", "name": "MAPIPollInterval", "title": "MAPI Poll Interval" }, "EnableEnterpriseCustomizedHelp": { "type": "boolean", "name": "EnableEnterpriseCustomizedHelp", "title": "Enable Enterprise Customized Help" }, "DisableRTFIM": { "type": "boolean", "name": "DisableRTFIM", "title": "Disable RTFIM" }, "DisableFeedsTab": { "type": "boolean", "name": "DisableFeedsTab", "title": "Disable Feeds Tab" }, "AutoDiscoveryRetryInterval": { "type": "string", "name": "AutoDiscoveryRetryInterval", "title": "Auto Discovery Retry Interval" }, "DisableCalendarPresence": { "type": "boolean", "name": "DisableCalendarPresence", "title": "Disable Calendar Presence" }, "SPSearchCenterInternalURL": { "type": "string", "name": "SPSearchCenterInternalURL", "title": "SP Search Center Internal URL" }, "DisableFederatedPromptDisplayName": { "type": "boolean", "name": "DisableFederatedPromptDisplayName", "title": "Disable Federated Prompt Display Name" }, "IMLatencySpinnerDelay": { "type": "integer", "name": "IMLatencySpinnerDelay", "title": "IM Latency Spinner Delay" }, "Identity": { "readonly": true, "required": true, "type": "string", "name": "Identity", "title": "Identity" }, "WebServicePollInterval": { "type": "string", "name": "WebServicePollInterval", "title": "Web Service Poll Interval" }, "CustomizedHelpUrl": { "type": "string", "name": "CustomizedHelpUrl", "title": "Customized Help Url" }, "DisableInkIM": { "type": "boolean", "name": "DisableInkIM", "title": "Disable Ink IM" }, "EnableSQMData": { "type": "boolean", "name": "EnableSQMData", "title": "Enable SQM Data" }, "DisableOnlineContextualSearch": { "type": "boolean", "name": "DisableOnlineContextualSearch", "title": "Disable Online Contextual Search" }, "RateMyCallDisplayPercentage": { "type": "integer", "name": "RateMyCallDisplayPercentage", "title": "Rate My Call Display Percentage" }, "EnableNotificationForNewSubscribers": { "type": "boolean", "name": "EnableNotificationForNewSubscribers", "title": "Enable Notification For New Subscribers" }, "EnableHighPerformanceP2PAppSharing": { "type": "boolean", "name": "EnableHighPerformanceP2PAppSharing", "title": "Enable High Performance P2P App Sharing" }, "DisableOneNote12Integration": { "type": "boolean", "name": "DisableOneNote12Integration", "title": "Disable One Note Integration" }, "ExcludedContactFolders": { "type": "string", "name": "ExcludedContactFolders", "title": "Excluded Contact Folders" }, "EnableTracing": { "type": "boolean", "name": "EnableTracing", "title": "Enable Tracing" }, "CalendarStatePublicationInterval": { "type": "string", "name": "CalendarStatePublicationInterval", "title": "Calendar State Publication Interval" }, "CustomLinkInErrorMessages": { "type": "string", "name": "CustomLinkInErrorMessages", "title": "Custom Link In Error Messages" }, "MusicOnHoldAudioFile": { "type": "string", "name": "MusicOnHoldAudioFile", "title": "Music On Hold Audio File" }, "P2PAppSharingEncryption": { "type": "string", "name": "P2PAppSharingEncryption", "title": "P2P App Sharing Encryption" }, "SPSearchExternalURL": { "type": "string", "name": "SPSearchExternalURL", "title": "SP Search External URL" }, "EnableConversationWindowTabs": { "type": "boolean", "name": "EnableConversationWindowTabs", "title": "Enable Conversation Window Tabs" }, "DisablePoorNetworkWarnings": { "type": "boolean", "name": "DisablePoorNetworkWarnings", "title": "Disable Poor Network Warnings" }, "ShowManagePrivacyRelationships": { "type": "boolean", "name": "ShowManagePrivacyRelationships", "title": "Show Manage Privacy Relationships" }, "EnableExchangeContactSync": { "type": "boolean", "name": "EnableExchangeContactSync", "title": "Enable Exchange Contact Sync" }, "Description": { "type": "string", "name": "Description", "title": "Description" }, "AttendantSafeTransfer": { "type": "boolean", "name": "AttendantSafeTransfer", "title": "Attendant Safe Transfer" }, "EnableEventLogging": { "type": "boolean", "name": "EnableEventLogging", "title": "Enable Event Logging" }, "BlockConversationFromFederatedContacts": { "type": "boolean", "name": "BlockConversationFromFederatedContacts", "title": "Block Conversation From Federated Contacts" }, "MaxPhotoSizeKB": { "type": "integer", "name": "MaxPhotoSizeKB", "title": "Max Photo Size KB" }, "EnableHighPerformanceConferencingAppSharing": { "type": "boolean", "name": "EnableHighPerformanceConferencingAppSharing", "title": "Enable High Performance Conferencing App Sharing" }, "DisableEmailComparisonCheck": { "type": "boolean", "name": "DisableEmailComparisonCheck", "title": "Disable Email Comparison Check" }, "EnableMediaRedirection": { "type": "boolean", "name": "EnableMediaRedirection", "title": "Enable Media Redirection" }, "IMWarning": { "type": "string", "name": "IMWarning", "title": "IM Warning" }, "PolicyEntry": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array", "name": "PolicyEntry", "title": "Policy Entry" }, "TabURL": { "type": "string", "name": "TabURL", "title": "Tab URL" }, "EnableVOIPCallDefault": { "type": "boolean", "name": "EnableVOIPCallDefault", "title": "Enable VOIP Call Default" }, "EnableURL": { "type": "boolean", "name": "EnableURL", "title": "Enable URL" }, "DisablePhonePresence": { "type": "boolean", "name": "DisablePhonePresence", "title": "Disable Phone Presence" }, "HotdeskingTimeout": { "properties": { "TotalHours": { "type": "string", "name": "TotalHours", "title": "Total Hours" }, "TotalDays": { "type": "string", "name": "TotalDays", "title": "Total Days" }, "TotalMilliseconds": { "type": "integer", "name": "TotalMilliseconds", "title": "Total Milliseconds" }, "Seconds": { "type": "integer", "name": "Seconds", "title": "Seconds" }, "Ticks": { "type": "integer", "name": "Ticks", "title": "Ticks" }, "Days": { "type": "integer", "name": "Days", "title": "Days" }, "Hours": { "type": "integer", "name": "Hours", "title": "Hours" }, "TotalMinutes": { "type": "integer", "name": "TotalMinutes", "title": "Total Minutes" }, "TotalSeconds": { "type": "integer", "name": "TotalSeconds", "title": "Total Seconds" }, "Minutes": { "type": "integer", "name": "Minutes", "title": "Minutes" }, "Milliseconds": { "type": "integer", "name": "Milliseconds", "title": "Milliseconds" } }, "type": "object", "name": "HotdeskingTimeout", "title": "Hotdesking Timeout" }, "SearchPrefixFlags": { "type": "string", "name": "SearchPrefixFlags", "title": "Search Prefix Flags" }, "DisableContactCardOrganizationTab": { "type": "boolean", "name": "DisableContactCardOrganizationTab", "title": "Disable Contact Card Organization Tab" }, "ShowRecentContacts": { "type": "boolean", "name": "ShowRecentContacts", "title": "Show Recent Contacts" }, "IMLatencyErrorThreshold": { "type": "integer", "name": "IMLatencyErrorThreshold", "title": "IM Latency Error Threshold" }, "DisplayPhoto": { "type": "string", "name": "DisplayPhoto", "title": "Display Photo" } }, "schema_version": "2015.1" }
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Response |
Bulk Modify | GET | /api/device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy/bulk_update/?schema=&schema_rules=true |
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Payload |
Bulk Modify | POST | /api/device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy/bulk_update/ |
For example: {"data":{"name":"value"}, "meta":{}, "request_meta":{ "hrefs":["/api/v0/device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy/[pkid1]", "/api/v0/device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy/[pkid2]",...]}} |
GET http://[host-proxy]/api/device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy/?hierarchy=[hierarchy]&format=json
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Payload |
Move the instance with [pkid] to [target_hierarchy] | POST | /api/tool/DataMove/?model_type=device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy |
{"hrefs": ["/api/device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy/[pkid]"]} |
Bulk Move | POST | /api/tool/DataMove/?model_type=device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy |
{"hrefs": ["/api/device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy/[pkid1]", "/api/device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy/[pkid2]",...]} |
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Payload |
Get a selected [export_format] of the schema and instances [pkid1], [pkid2],... of device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy; optionally with tag_version at [version] and Configuration Template as [configtemplate]. | POST | /api/device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy/export/ |
{ "hrefs":["/api/device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy/[pkid1]", "/api/device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy/[pkid2]",...]}} |
For export_format=json, the response is a time stamped zip file of data in JSON as in the system database. Item properties such as strings that are empty or Boolean values that are not set, are not included. The filename in the response is of the format as the example:
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=export_2013-05-17_14:20:19.186444.json.zip Content-Language:en Content-Type:application/x-zip
For export_format=raw_xlsx, the response is a MS Excel spreadsheet with columns corresponding to the JSON format export and a response filename format:
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=<resource_type>_<resource_name>_exportedsheet_CCYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS.xlsx Content-Language:en Content-Type:application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
For export_format=xlsx, the response is a MS Excel spreadsheet, arranged by any Field Display Policies that apply. The columns correspond with those of a Bulk Load Template export sheet. The response filename format is:
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=<resource_type>_<resource_name>_exportedsheet_formatted_CCYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS.xlsx Content-Language:en Content-Type:application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
The XLSX format can be used to bulk load instances of device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy and the JSON format can be used to import instances of device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy.
GET http://[host-proxy]/api/device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy/?hierarchy=[hierarchy]
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Response |
Get a compressed format of the Bulk Load spreadsheet template for device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy | POST | /api/device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy/export_bulkload_template/ |
The response is an attachment of the format: filetype_bulkloadsheet.xlsx.gz |
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Response |
Configuration Template | GET | /api/device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy/configuration_template/ | hierarchy=[hierarchy] |
POST http://[host-proxy]/api/data/ConfigurationTemplate/?hierarchy=[hierarchy]
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Response |
Field Display Policy | GET | /api/device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy/field_display_policy/ | hierarchy=[hierarchy] |
POST http://[host-proxy]/api/data/FieldDisplayPolicy/?hierarchy=[hierarchy]
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Response |
Migration Template | GET | /api/device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy/migration/ |
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Response |
List | GET | /api/device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy/ |
The device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy schema and all instances as JSON. |
(The list will return 0 to 3 device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy instances)
{ "operations": [ "list" ], "pagination": { "direction": "asc", "order_by": "Identity", "maximum_limit": 2000, "skip": 0, "current": "/api/device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy/?skip=0&limit=3&order_by=Identity&direction=asc&traversal=default", "limit": 3, "total_limit": null, "total": 0 }, "meta": { "tags": [], "cached": true, "title": "", "business_key": {}, "schema_version": "2015.1", "references": { "device": [ { "pkid": "", "href": "" } ], "children": [], "parent": [ { "pkid": "6t0ggef2c0deab00hb595101", "href": "/api/data/HierarchyNode/6t0ggef2c0deab00hb595101" } ], "foreign_key": [] }, "actions": [ { "bulk_update_form": { "support_async": false, "class": "update", "href": "/api/device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy/bulk_update/?hierarchy=[hierarchy]&schema=&schema_rules=true", "method": "GET", "title": "Bulk Modify" } }, { "move": { "title": "Move", "support_async": true, "class": "move", "href": "/api/tool/DataMove/?hierarchy=[hierarchy]&model_type=device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy", "method": "POST", "view": "/api/tool/DataMove/?auth_token=[authtoken] } }, { "export": { "title": "Export", "support_async": false, "submit": "payload", "class": "export", "href": "/api/device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy/export/?hierarchy=[hierarchy]", "method": "POST", "view": "/api/view/ExportData/add/?auth_token=[authtoken] } }, { "export_bulkload_template": { "support_async": false, "class": "bulkload_template", "href": "/api/device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy/export_bulkload_template/?hierarchy=[hierarchy]", "method": "POST", "title": "Export Bulk Load Template" } }, { "tag": { "title": "Tag", "support_async": true, "method": "PATCH", "href": "/api/device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy/+tag/?hierarchy=[hierarchy]", "class": "tag", "view": "/api/view/TagNameForm/add/?auth_token=[authtoken] } }, { "tag_version": { "title": "Tag Version", "support_async": true, "method": "PATCH", "href": "/api/device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy/+tag_version/?hierarchy=[hierarchy]", "class": "tag_version", "view": "/api/view/TagVersionForm/add/?auth_token=[authtoken] } }, { "configuration_template": { "support_async": false, "class": "config", "href": "/api/device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy/configuration_template/?hierarchy=[hierarchy]", "method": "GET", "title": "Configuration Template" } }, { "field_display_policy": { "support_async": false, "class": "display_policy", "href": "/api/device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy/field_display_policy/?hierarchy=[hierarchy]", "method": "GET", "title": "Field Display Policy" } }, { "migration": { "support_async": false, "class": "migration", "href": "/api/device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy/migration/?hierarchy=[hierarchy]", "method": "GET", "title": "Migration Template" } }, { "list": { "support_async": false, "class": "list", "href": "/api/device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy/?hierarchy=[hierarchy]", "method": "GET", "title": "List" } }, { "help": { "support_async": false, "class": "help", "href": "/api/device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy/help?hierarchy=[hierarchy]", "method": "GET", "title": "Help" } }, { "purge": { "support_async": false, "class": "purge", "href": "/api/device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy/purge/?hierarchy=[hierarchy]", "method": "POST", "title": "Purge" } }, { "transform": { "support_async": false, "class": "transform", "href": "/api/device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy/transform/?hierarchy=[hierarchy]", "method": "GET", "title": "Transform Template" } } ], "model_type": "device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy", "model_specific_actions": [ "list", "get", "move", "export", "export_bulkload_template", "bulk_update_form", "configuration_template", "field_display_policy", "help", "migration", "transform", "tag", "tag_version" ], "summary_attrs": [ { "name": "Identity", "title": "Identity" }, { "allow_filtering": true, "name": "hierarchy_friendly_name", "title": "Located At" } ], "api_version": "21.2", "tagged_versions": [] }, "resources": [] }
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Response |
Get the on-line Help for device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy. | GET | /api/device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy/help | hierarchy=[hierarchy] | On-line help of Model ref.: device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy as HTML |
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Payload |
Move | POST | /api/tool/DataMove/[pkid]/?model_type=device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy | hierarchy=[hierarchy] | If payload required: |
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Response |
Get a selected [export_format] of the schema and a single instance with [pkid] of device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy; optionally with tag_version at [version] and Configuration Template as [configtemplate]. | GET | /api/device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy/[pkid]/export/ |
The response is an attachment. Refer to the list below. |
For export_format=raw_xlsx, the response is a "raw" MS Excel spreadsheet with columns corresponding to the JSON format export and a response format:
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=<resource_type>_<resource_name>_exportedsheet_CCYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS.xlsx Content-Language:en Content-Type:application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
For export_format=xlsx, the response is a MS Excel spreadsheet, formatted to show all columns and a response format:
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=<resource_type>_<resource_name>_exportedsheet_formatted_CCYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS.xlsx Content-Language:en Content-Type:application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
For export_format=json, the response is a time stamped zip file of data in JSON and a response format:
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=export_2013-05-17_14:20:19.186444.json.zip Content-Language:en Content-Type:application/x-zip
The XLSX format can be used to bulk load instances of device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy and the JSON format can be used to import instances of device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy.
For Bulk Export, refer to the Bulk Export section.
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Payload |
Tag | PATCH | /api/device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy/[pkid]/+tag/ | hierarchy=[hierarchy] | If payload required: |
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Response |
Get | GET | /api/device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy/[pkid]/ | hierarchy=[hierarchy] | The device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy instance with [pkid]. |
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Response |
Help | GET | /api/device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy/[pkid]/help | hierarchy=[hierarchy] | The on-line Help for device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy. |
Task | Call | URL | Parameters | Payload |
Purge | POST | /api/device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy/[pkid]/purge/ | hierarchy=[hierarchy] | If payload required: |