
Model: device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy

Model Details: device/sfb2015/CsClientPolicy

Title Description Details
Address Book Availability
  • Field Name: AddressBookAvailability
  • Type: String
Attendant Safe Transfer
  • Field Name: AttendantSafeTransfer
  • Type: Boolean
Auto Discovery Retry Interval
  • Field Name: AutoDiscoveryRetryInterval
  • Type: String
Block Conversation From Federated Contacts
  • Field Name: BlockConversationFromFederatedContacts
  • Type: Boolean
Calendar State Publication Interval
  • Field Name: CalendarStatePublicationInterval
  • Type: String
Conference IM Idle Timeout
  • Field Name: ConferenceIMIdleTimeout
  • Type: String
Conference IM Idle Timeout Extended
  • Field Name: ConferenceIMIdleTimeoutExtended
  • Type: String
Custom Link In Error Messages
  • Field Name: CustomLinkInErrorMessages
  • Type: String
Custom State Url
  • Field Name: CustomStateUrl
  • Type: String
Customized Help Url
  • Field Name: CustomizedHelpUrl
  • Type: String
DG Refresh Interval
  • Field Name: DGRefreshInterval
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Description
  • Type: String
Disable Calendar Presence
  • Field Name: DisableCalendarPresence
  • Type: Boolean
Disable Contact Card Organization Tab
  • Field Name: DisableContactCardOrganizationTab
  • Type: Boolean
Disable Email Comparison Check
  • Field Name: DisableEmailComparisonCheck
  • Type: Boolean
Disable Emoticons
  • Field Name: DisableEmoticons
  • Type: Boolean
Disable Federated Prompt Display Name
  • Field Name: DisableFederatedPromptDisplayName
  • Type: Boolean
Disable Feeds Tab
  • Field Name: DisableFeedsTab
  • Type: Boolean
Disable Free Busy Info
  • Field Name: DisableFreeBusyInfo
  • Type: Boolean
Disable Handset On Locked Machine
  • Field Name: DisableHandsetOnLockedMachine
  • Type: Boolean
Disable Html Im
  • Field Name: DisableHtmlIm
  • Type: Boolean
Disable Ink IM
  • Field Name: DisableInkIM
  • Type: Boolean
Disable Meeting Subject And Location
  • Field Name: DisableMeetingSubjectAndLocation
  • Type: Boolean
Disable One Note Integration
  • Field Name: DisableOneNote12Integration
  • Type: Boolean
Disable Online Contextual Search
  • Field Name: DisableOnlineContextualSearch
  • Type: Boolean
Disable PIC Prompt Display Name
  • Field Name: DisablePICPromptDisplayName
  • Type: Boolean
Disable Phone Presence
  • Field Name: DisablePhonePresence
  • Type: Boolean
Disable Poor Device Warnings
  • Field Name: DisablePoorDeviceWarnings
  • Type: Boolean
Disable Poor Network Warnings
  • Field Name: DisablePoorNetworkWarnings
  • Type: Boolean
Disable Presence Note
  • Field Name: DisablePresenceNote
  • Type: Boolean
Disable RTFIM
  • Field Name: DisableRTFIM
  • Type: Boolean
Disable Saving IM
  • Field Name: DisableSavingIM
  • Type: Boolean
Display Photo
  • Field Name: DisplayPhoto
  • Type: String
Enable Appear Offline
  • Field Name: EnableAppearOffline
  • Type: Boolean
Enable Call Log Auto Archiving
  • Field Name: EnableCallLogAutoArchiving
  • Type: Boolean
Enable Client Music On Hold
  • Field Name: EnableClientMusicOnHold
  • Type: Boolean
Enable Conversation Window Tabs
  • Field Name: EnableConversationWindowTabs
  • Type: Boolean
Enable Enterprise Customized Help
  • Field Name: EnableEnterpriseCustomizedHelp
  • Type: Boolean
Enable Event Logging
  • Field Name: EnableEventLogging
  • Type: Boolean
Enable Exchange Contact Sync
  • Field Name: EnableExchangeContactSync
  • Type: Boolean
Enable Exchange Delegate Sync
  • Field Name: EnableExchangeDelegateSync
  • Type: Boolean
Enable Full Screen Video
  • Field Name: EnableFullScreenVideo
  • Type: Boolean
Enable High Performance Conferencing App Sharing
  • Field Name: EnableHighPerformanceConferencingAppSharing
  • Type: Boolean
Enable High Performance P2P App Sharing
  • Field Name: EnableHighPerformanceP2PAppSharing
  • Type: Boolean
Enable Hotdesking
  • Field Name: EnableHotdesking
  • Type: Boolean
Enable IM Auto Archiving
  • Field Name: EnableIMAutoArchiving
  • Type: Boolean
Enable Media Redirection
  • Field Name: EnableMediaRedirection
  • Type: Boolean
Enable Notification For New Subscribers
  • Field Name: EnableNotificationForNewSubscribers
  • Type: Boolean
Enable SQM Data
  • Field Name: EnableSQMData
  • Type: Boolean
Enable Server Conversation History
  • Field Name: EnableServerConversationHistory
  • Type: Boolean
Enable Skype UI
  • Field Name: EnableSkypeUI
  • Type: Boolean
Enable Tracing
  • Field Name: EnableTracing
  • Type: Boolean
Enable URL
  • Field Name: EnableURL
  • Type: Boolean
Enable Unencrypted File Transfer
  • Field Name: EnableUnencryptedFileTransfer
  • Type: Boolean
Enable VOIP Call Default
  • Field Name: EnableVOIPCallDefault
  • Type: Boolean
Excluded Contact Folders
  • Field Name: ExcludedContactFolders
  • Type: String
Help Environment
  • Field Name: HelpEnvironment
  • Type: String
Hotdesking Timeout
  • Field Name: HotdeskingTimeout
  • Type: Object
  • Field Name: HotdeskingTimeout.Days
  • Type: Integer
  • Field Name: HotdeskingTimeout.Hours
  • Type: Integer
  • Field Name: HotdeskingTimeout.Milliseconds
  • Type: Integer
  • Field Name: HotdeskingTimeout.Minutes
  • Type: Integer
  • Field Name: HotdeskingTimeout.Seconds
  • Type: Integer
  • Field Name: HotdeskingTimeout.Ticks
  • Type: Integer
Total Days
  • Field Name: HotdeskingTimeout.TotalDays
  • Type: String
Total Hours
  • Field Name: HotdeskingTimeout.TotalHours
  • Type: String
Total Milliseconds
  • Field Name: HotdeskingTimeout.TotalMilliseconds
  • Type: Integer
Total Minutes
  • Field Name: HotdeskingTimeout.TotalMinutes
  • Type: Integer
Total Seconds
  • Field Name: HotdeskingTimeout.TotalSeconds
  • Type: Integer
IM Latency Error Threshold
  • Field Name: IMLatencyErrorThreshold
  • Type: Integer
IM Latency Spinner Delay
  • Field Name: IMLatencySpinnerDelay
  • Type: Integer
IM Warning
  • Field Name: IMWarning
  • Type: String
Identity *
  • Field Name: Identity
  • Type: String
MAPI Poll Interval
  • Field Name: MAPIPollInterval
  • Type: String
Max Photo Size KB
  • Field Name: MaxPhotoSizeKB
  • Type: Integer
Maximum DGs Allowed In Contact List
  • Field Name: MaximumDGsAllowedInContactList
  • Type: Integer
Maximum Number Of Contacts
  • Field Name: MaximumNumberOfContacts
  • Type: String
Music On Hold Audio File
  • Field Name: MusicOnHoldAudioFile
  • Type: String
P2P App Sharing Encryption
  • Field Name: P2PAppSharingEncryption
  • Type: String
Play Abbreviated Dial Tone
  • Field Name: PlayAbbreviatedDialTone
  • Type: Boolean
Policy Entry
  • Field Name: PolicyEntry.[n]
  • Type: Array
Rate My Call Allow Custom User Feedback
  • Field Name: RateMyCallAllowCustomUserFeedback
  • Type: Boolean
Rate My Call Display Percentage
  • Field Name: RateMyCallDisplayPercentage
  • Type: Integer
SP Search Center External URL
  • Field Name: SPSearchCenterExternalURL
  • Type: String
SP Search Center Internal URL
  • Field Name: SPSearchCenterInternalURL
  • Type: String
SP Search External URL
  • Field Name: SPSearchExternalURL
  • Type: String
SP Search Internal URL
  • Field Name: SPSearchInternalURL
  • Type: String
Search Prefix Flags
  • Field Name: SearchPrefixFlags
  • Type: String
Show Manage Privacy Relationships
  • Field Name: ShowManagePrivacyRelationships
  • Type: Boolean
Show Recent Contacts
  • Field Name: ShowRecentContacts
  • Type: Boolean
Show Sharepoint Photo Edit Link
  • Field Name: ShowSharepointPhotoEditLink
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: TabURL
  • Type: String
Tracing Level
  • Field Name: TracingLevel
  • Type: String
Web Service Poll Interval
  • Field Name: WebServicePollInterval
  • Type: String