Subscribers List View

The Subscribers list view provides a list of all subscribers located at the specified hierarchy level. This list view provides a central point from which you can manage subscribers by viewing their details.

Note some of the column headings:

Column Heading Description
Role Subscriber role, typically a self-service user role.
Sync Source

The source application of user data, for example:

LOCAL indicates that the user has been manually created in VOSS-4-UC and has not been synced from LDAP or from Cisco Unified CM.

CUCM indicates that the user exists on both VOSS-4-UC and Cisco Unified CM, and is not synced from LDAP. The user may have been created first on VOSS-4-UC (top-down) or created on Cisco Unified CM and synced into VOSS-4-UC (bottom-up).

As for User [1].

User Type End User, Admin - associated with the user role
Auth Method As for User [2].
Entitlement Profile The Entitlement Profile associated with the Subscriber.
Located At Displays an abbreviated version of the hierarchy showing the lowest point in the hierarchy. The hierarchy type is shown in brackets. When you filter on this column, do not use text included inside the brackets in the filtering criteria. For example: “SiteName (Site)”, where (Site)= the hierarchy node type, only search using the “SiteName” portion of the field.
PrimaryLine The subscriber’s primary extension number, as selected from the Pattern drop-down list when adding the subscriber.
ExtMobility If a Subscriber is associated with more than one extension mobility profile on the Unified CM, and you sync with VOSS-4-UC, only the first extension mobility profile is displayed in this list view.
Single Number Reach The remote destination number configured for the subscriber. Only if supported.
Voicemail The Voicemail number allocated to the subscriber.
Conferencing Enabled or disabled.
Webex Teams Enabled or blank. Indicates whether or not the subscriber is enabled to use Webex Teams.
Contact Center Enabled or blank. Indicates the contact center agent’s Team and extension if the subscriber is an agent.
Phone The phone associated to the subscriber. When you filter on this column, the results include all phones at the hierarchy level and below, regardless of the Phone column in which they reside.
Phone 2 The second phone associated to the subscriber.
Phone n The number of phone columns displayed in the list view will be the same as the maximum number of associated to a particular subscriber. For example, if a subscriber is associated to 10 phones, the list view will show 10 Phone columns.
Device IP Address or Host Name.
[1]Sync Source: see: User Sync Source.
[2]Auth Method: see: User Authentication Methods.

Refer to the topics under Common Tasks for information on common functionality that can be performed in list views, this includes: selecting items, bulk delete and modify, ordering lists, filtering lists, navigating lists, performing a list search, and so on.