Manage Local Administrators and Operators

Default local VOSS-4-UC administrators are created when provider, reseller, customer, and site hierarchy nodes are established. Use this procedure to modify or create more local administrators or operators. Also use this procedure to create administrators for intermediate nodes.

An administrator for a particular hierarchy level can create or modify the administrators and operators at that hierarchy level and any level below. For example, a Customer XYZ administrator can create other Customer XYZ administrators and site administrators for Customer XYZ.


  1. Log in as an administrator.
  2. To create or modify an administrator or operator at a level below your current level, set the hierarchy path at the top of the window. If you have signed in as provider administrator, and want to create a customer administrator, set the hierarchy path to the customer for which you want to create the administrator.
  3. Open the Admins form (default menu User Management > Admins). Note that this form provides a subset of the tabs and fields available on the Users form - for more input field details, refer to Create a User.
  4. At a minimum, complete these fields:
Fields Description
Username Sign-in username. This field is mandatory.
Email Address User email address.

Choose the administrator’s role. This field is mandatory.

  • For a provider, reseller, customer, or site administrator or operator, the available roles are limited to those applicable to the hierarchy level.
  • For an intermediate node administrator or operator, the available roles are limited to those associated with the nearest non-intermediate node above the intermediate node in the hierarchy.
Password Set the password. This field is mandatory.

Choose the administrator’s language. Note:

If no language is chosen, the language is inherited from the nearest hierarchy node (at or above the administrator) that has a default language configured. If no default language is configured anywhere in the hierarchy at or above the administrator, the administrator’s language is English.

Sync Source This is set LOCAL when the administrator is created on VOSS-4-UC.
User Type Cannot be edited - determined by the Role interface (administration / selfservice).
  1. To modify an existing administrator or operator, click the administrator or operator.
    1. Modify the appropriate settings for the administrator or operator.
    2. Click Save.