Admin Portal Controls

The main controls used in the Admin Portal are described below.

Button Bar

For certain models, such as Roles or Credential Policy, the list view or detail view of the Admin Portal shows a button bar with a number of controls. The buttons displayed depend on the Access Profile of the user.

Button Description
Add When viewing a list, the button opens an Add form to create a new item.
Save On the Add form, the button is used to save a newly created item. On the detail view, the button is used to save changes made to the specific item.
Delete From a list, remove an entry or the selected entries.
Cancel Used to cancel triggered events such as transactions, bulk loads, and so on.
Back On the detail view, the button returns to the original list page position. The browser’s back button also carries out this task.
Help Open the on-line help page for the current model.
Move For selected model instances, move them from the current hierarchy to another hierarchy. By default only device models have a Move button. This button is available on list and instance Admin Portal screens. When moving device models, checks are built in to disallow moving a device model instance to a hierarchy node with a different device. For Data Models, Move is allowed by editing the Data Model’s definition in the Operations section.

The Action menu provides actions applicable to the specific view.

List View Action Description
Bulk Load File Only used in Administration Tools > Bulk Load, when bulk loading a preselected file.
Bulk Modify On the list view of certain items, the button displays a form to enter modifications to any selected list items and carries out a Bulk Modify. This is only available if your administrator has given you. the required permissions.
Configuration Template For a form, create a Configuration Template for a model or carry out a task such as an advanced search.
List View Action Description

From search results or any list view in the system, it is possible to select the entities required and export them with all attributes. The selected data can be exported to:

  • A JSON file that is archived into format for external use.
  • Excel - an export containing data and Excel columns for all fields as shown in the JSON export format.
  • Excel(formatted) - an export containing data and Excel columns as arranged by any Field Display Policies that apply.
Export Bulk Load Template Export a model structure to a MS Excel bulk load file format. The file can be used as a template to bulk load instances of the model. Refer to the Bulk Load topic help.
Field Display Policy Add a Field Display policy to a selected model. The detail view of a Transaction displays this button to show sub-transactions.
Move For selected model instances, move them from the current hierarchy to another hierarchy. By default only device models have a Move button, which is available on list and instance Admin Portal screens. When moving device models, checks are built in to disallow moving a device model instance to a hierarchy node with a different device. For Data Models, Move is allowed by editing the Data Model’s definition in the Operations section.
Clone Make a copy of the current item. An option is available to rename the copied item.
Execute For an executable model such as a Provisioning Workflow, Macro, Wizard or for a script, run the execution.
Import For supported Network Devices, carry out an import of data from the device.
Export Export a specific item with all its attributes.
Package Create a package containing selected search results.
Refresh Click this button on the Transaction list to refresh the list of transactions. This would for example update the Progress of the transaction.
Replay Transactions that have failed can, under certain circumstances, be replayed. This means that the transaction is re-submitted with the original request parameters.
Edit and Replay Available for completed transactions. Similar to the Replay button, but allows you to first make changes to the previously submitted form before the transaction is resubmitted.
Reset Phone Reset a phone.
Return Return - From the detail display of a selected instance of a model, select this button to return to the list display of the model instances.
Tag For a selected model instance, add a tag to it.
Tag Version For a selected model instance, add a version tag to it.
Test Connection For instances of models representing connection parameters such as connections to devices, click the button to test the connection.
Visualize Deprecated.

On-line Help

Press the Help button on both the Main Menu button bar as well as the Button bar to open a new browser tab to show on-line help for your system. The new browser tab shows the following menu options:

  1. General Help: General help information for the application.
  2. Model Detail Help: Model (Item) specific help, for example data/GeneralHelp. This content may vary according to the Field Display Policy that is applied to the item.
  3. Model API Help: the API reference for the item.

When the Help button (?) is pressed on the Main Menu button bar, only the three menu options are shown. When the Help button is pressed on the Button bar, context sensitive help specific to the associated form is also shown.

If a Field on the context sensitive help for an item is marked with an asterisk next to the field name, it is mandatory and must be filled out in order for the subsequent transaction to be successful.

A user’s view of the available on-line help depends on hierarchy level, role-based access, and field display policies.

Main Page Controls

The following controls are available on the Admin Portal.

Icon Description
image7 These icons are used to access the hierarchy.
image53 This icon is used to return to the main application page.

Form Controls

The following controls are available from a form.

Icon Description
image41 Open another instance of the current form field or open a pop-up screen to add an item.
image42 Delete the current instance of a field from a form or open a pop-up screen to confirm.
image43 Move the selected instance on a form down in the order of field entries. In the case where a Position field is available, for example for Lines, the entered value determines the order in the object.
image44 Move the selected instance on a form up in the order of field entries. In the case where a Position field is available, for example for Lines, the entered value determines the order in the object.
Icon Description
image45 image46 On multi-tabbed forms, navigate to the previous or next tab.
image50 A warning icon, for example if a mandatory field is not filled in.
* Next to an input control on a form, the asterisk indicates that the field is mandatory.
[Browse] Next to an input control on a form, a button to open a file selection dialog.
[ V] Drop-down input box. Typing into the box filters the drop-down list choices.


The About option on the menu provides version information such as:

  • Version
  • Software Version
  • Platform Version
  • Build Time