E164 Column - Number Inventory List


In VOSS-4-UC, an ‘*’ can appear before a directory number in a Type 4 dial plan.

The E164Number column and value displays E164 Associations (N to 1 DN), depending on the number of E164s associated and whether a primary E164 is set or not.

Examples of E164 format:

Note that the first example is for E164 Associations (N to N DN):

  • \+27726043938

    No primary is set. The first number associated is displayed. Only one number is associated.

  • \+27726043938 (P)

    The displayed number is primary. Only one number is associated.

  • \+27726043938 (P) [+8]

    The displayed number is primary. Eight (8) more numbers have been associated in addition to the displayed number.

  • \+27726043938 [+8]

    No primary is set. The first number associated is displayed. Eight (8) more numbers have been associated in addition to the displayed number.

This type of number cannot be reached from an outside line. Typically, a number with the ‘*’ prefix is not called from another line (user), but is tied to a service feature such as call pickup, hunt groups, or contact center.


Adding a new number to the number inventory on VOSS-4-UC does not add a number on Unified CM until it is associated to a line.