Cloning Items

Certain items, such as roles, credential policies, devices, phones, and so on can be cloned. Cloning provides a quick way to create new items that have very similar data to the cloned item.

On the Admin Portal, a Clone action is available on the button bar to carry out the task. This is available on the specific item page of certain items, and not on the list view.

The cloned item is created in the system only after the user clicks Save on the button bar.

If an item refers to other items, only the current item is cloned, and not the referenced items. For example, if a Phone on the system is cloned, the device models (Phone and Remote Destination) that are referred to in this item are not cloned.

The cloned key field(s), for example Name, must be edited with new values to ensure creation of a new item in the system. An error message, “Error, Duplicate Resource Found.” is displayed if a key field is not changed.