
For common details on managing a feature, see: Manage a Feature or Service and Feature Detail Dashboard.

The Subscribers landing page provides an overview of the items and tasks available at the Organization Selection level:

  • Counters that indicate the number of subscribers and services at the selected level, for example: Subscribers, End Users, Phones, Extension Mobility Profiles, Voicemail Boxes, and Webex Teams.

    Click the appropriate counter to open the list view for that item.

  • Quick Actions that provide the following default hyperlinks (dependent on how your administrator has configured your system):

    • View All Subscribers - Opens a list view showing all subscribers at the selected level. Click a specific subscriber to edit the subscriber and to view their detail dashboard. See Feature Detail Dashboard for general information about detail dashboards.

      When editing a subscriber, panels for services are shown. New services can be added by clicking “+” on a panel.

      Certain fields on selected services are pre-populated based on the selected Quick Add Group and other configuration templates selected on the Subscriber Add panel, e.g. ‘Default Webex Teams User Template’.

    • Add Subscriber - Opens a panel to add a subscriber.

      • The subscriber is added with the details entered on the Subscriber Detail panel. On the panel, the following minimal details can be added: mobile number, optionally a phone name and one line.

      • A check box called Send welcome email is displayed when you type in a user email address only if the following configuration has been made and is enabled:

        • An SMTP server has been set up (refer to the SMTP server topic in the Core Feature Guide)
        • The Allow email to be sent to user after Quick Add Subscriber on Email tab of the Global Settings is set to Yes for the relevant hierarchy. (refer to the Global Settings topic in the Core Feature Guide)

        A welcome email is then sent to the subscriber email address using the configured “Quick Add Subscriber” HTML email template that applies to the hierarchy. (refer to the Email topic in the Core Feature Guide)

      • Features and services assigned to the subscriber by the selected Subscriber Profile see Subscriber Profiles.

    • Bulk Add Subscribers - Click this hyperlink to bulk add more than one subscriber from a single page.


      The Default subscriber profile (if present) can only be deleted by a System Administrator at sys (System) level .

      The following input fields are exposed for Bulk Add Subscribers:

      • User ID
      • First Name
      • Last Name
      • Email Address
      • Mobile Number
      • Profile : the selected subscriber profile determines features and services available during the bulk add.

      Values for the following are automatically generated or assigned:

      • Phone Name: generated - format is BAT<random number>.

        Generate Phone Name = True

      • Line - assigned as next available and unused number from the internal number inventory.

        Use next available line = True

    • Move Subscribers (see Move Subscriber) - Provides a customer administrator (or higher) with the ability to move a subscriber from customer level to a site, as well as from one site to a different site under the same customer. Moving the subscriber from one site to another site on a different Unified CM cluster and CUCxn cluster is also supported.

Subscriber Profiles

A subscriber profile allows for quick provisioning of subscribers with the same (or similar) set of features and services.

Click this hyperlink to open the Subscriber Profiles list view showing the subscriber profiles available at the selected hierarchy level.

Subscriber profiles can be created by an administrator using either the Administration GUI or the Business Admin Portal (BAP).

Created profiles will be available in the BAP Subscriber Profile drop-down at that hierarchy level (and below) only, and can be assigned to a subscriber when the subscriber is added using the Subscriber Detail panel.

See “Subscriber Profiles” in the Core Feature Guide for more details about the available options and fields.

Considerations when a service is enabled in the Subscriber Profile:

  • Extension Mobility - The device types available in the drop-down, are determined by the extension mobility profile template, which in turn determines the device configuration settings. The Line drop-down default is the first subscriber line. The Line Label and Line Display are derived from the subscriber.

    Only one device profile can be added for extension mobility in VOSS-4-UC. If a subscriber is associated with more than one extension mobility profile on the Unified CM, and you sync with VOSS-4-UC, only the first extension mobility profile is displayed on the Subscribers list view in VOSS-4-UC.

  • Voicemail - If enabled by the subscriber profile, and when adding this service, the subscriber can be added as a voicemail user. See also Voicemail.

  • Single Number Reach - You cannot add more than one remote destination profile for single number reach.

    If a mobile number has already been configured for a subscriber, it is used to pre-populate the Mobile Number field when adding Single Number Reach (SNR) for that subscriber. You can enter a different mobile number for SNR if required.

  • Webex Teams - If enabled by the subscriber profile, and when adding this service, the subscriber can be added as a webex teams user. See also Webex Teams Dashboard.

  • Contact Center Express - If enabled by the subscriber profile, and when adding this service, a panel shows the subscriber default extension and depending on the selected controlled device type, (phone or extension mobility) the phone or device profile for the subscriber. An Agent Profile can be selected. For details, see Contact Center Management.