Shared Line Across Sites Example

Phones are always configured on the real sites, and can use both shared and site-local lines. For example, each phone can have one site-local line (for example, 1000), and one cross-site shared line (for example, 9000). The following is a summary of the configuration that resides at each hierarchy type:

  1. Customer Hierarchy

    • DN inventory - for the lines to be shared across sites.


      The DN inventory is visible across all sites under the customer. Allowing DN Inventory to be configured at the customer hierarchy node is an enhancement for the Shared Line Across Sites feature. Note that DN inventory can only be created at the customer hierarchy node when a non-SLC-based customer dial plan has been deployed. A transaction error is sent if the administrator attempts to create customer level DN inventory with an SLC-based dial plan.

  2. Inventory Site, includes

    • Line relations - for the DNs to be shared across sites.
    • Directory Number Routing (DNR) entry for the line relations configured at this site to make the DNs inter/intra-site dialable.
    • E.164 inventory - for the line relations configured at this site.
    • E.164 associations - for the line relations configured at this site.
    • Line Class of Service (CoS) - for the lines configured at this site. CoS is discussed in more detail in Class of Service for Shared Line Across Sites.
    • Short codes - for the line relations configured at this site.
  3. Real Site, includes

    • DN inventory - for lines to be used only at this site. Note that these DNs can be shared by multiple phones within the site.
    • Subscribers - configured from Subscriber Management > Subscribers, or Subscriber Management > Quick Add Subscriber.
    • Line relations - for the DNs configured at this site. These line relations do not have to be configured first; they are configured automatically any time a phone, extension mobility profile, or remote destination profile references a line that doesn’t exist in the inventory site.
    • Directory Number Routing (DNR) - for each of the line relations configured at this site.
    • E.164 inventory - for lines created at this site.
    • E.164 associations - for lines created at this site.
    • Device Class of Service (CoS) - to be used for the phones configured at this site.
    • Phones - these phones can reference lines that were defined in the Inventory Site or the Real Site where the phone exists.
    • Extension mobility - these profiles can also reference lines that were defined in the Inventory Site or the Real Site where the phone exists.
    • Single Number Reach - these profiles can reference lines that were defined in the Inventory Site or the Real Site where the profile is defined.

Fields in VOSS-4-UC which reference DNs, such as the Pattern field in the Line tab of a Phone, are in a drop-down list of DN inventory. The drop-down list of DNs includes inventory defined at the customer level, combined with the inventory defined at the current site context. The administrator can chose either a cross-site shared DN or a site-local DN.