How to Set Up a Contact Center Server


  1. Log in as provider administrator at the customer hierarchy.
  2. Choose Services > Contact Center > Servers menu to add a Contact Center server.
  3. Click on Add button to add a new Contact Center server, complete the fields, and click Save to save the Contact Center server.
Field Description
Contact Center Server Name Unique server name. This field is mandatory.
Description Server description.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager The Cluster you want to use for Contact Center Server. This field is mandatory.
Transfer Conference Pattern Transfer conference pattern used when transferring calls between agents. This field is mandatory.
Network VRU Pattern used to route calls to a CVP. This field is mandatory.
SIP Trunks This field is mandatory. See fields below:
Trunk Destination Type

CVP or CUBE (ENT) or CUSP SIP Trunk. This field is mandatory.


Both CVP and CUBE (ENT) trunks must be added for this Contact Center Server to be added successfully.

Trunk Destination Address The destination address of the CVP or CUBE (ENT) or CUSP SIP Trunk. This field is mandatory. Multiple destination addresses & ports can be added for each trunk type.
Trunk Destination Port The destination port of the CVP or CUBE (ENT) or CUSP SIP Trunk, if no value provided system takes 5060 as default.
Trunk Security Profile The SIP trunk Security Profile that needs to be used by each trunk. This field is mandatory.
SIP Profile The SIP trunk profile that needs to be used by each trunk. This field is mandatory.

For 500/1000/4000/12K/SCC - You must provide information for a CVP and a CUBE (ENT) SIP Trunk. For Small Contact Center, both the CVP and CUBE (ENT) trunks should have the same IP address with a different Trunk Security Profile selected in the Trunk Security Profile drop-down for each trunk.

For CUSP - You must provide information for a CUSP SIP Trunk. Only one trunk type can be added.


For CUSP, use only one SIP trunk. For CVP or CUBE (ENT), use two SIP trunks.

  1. Device Pool will create automatically as a part of Contact Center server with the name “Cu<CUSTOMER_ID>-CC<CC_SERVER_ID>-DP” with the default Call Manager Group & Region.
  2. Call Manager Group & Region can be changed in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager as desired.
  3. Two application users creates with names pguser & pguser2 - both are created with default password “cisco”.


  • Planning to change the pguser & pguser2 names to tie with the Customer ID in future releases.
  • For all the phone line CSS of a site, add Cu<CUSTOMER_ID>-CC<CC_SERVER_ID>-Xfer4CCServer-PT to the Class of Service member list as a partition with the next available index.
  • The admin needs to add Default Region as related regions for each site region created for a site.
  • Reset the trunk by clicking the Reset button in the Trunk page after updating the SIP profile.