Edit a Personal Phone

  1. Click Home.
  2. In the Your Personal Phones section of the screen, click the Edit icon next to the phone that you want to edit.
  3. Edit the name of your phone in the Description field.
  4. Edit the number of your phone in the Number field.
  5. Edit the Simultaneous Ring (SR) On/Off toggle switch.
  6. Click Next and edit other phone details as required. See “Add a Personal Phone” for details.
  7. Edit the Move to Mobile On/Off toggle switch (only available for SNR type personal phones). Set the Move to Mobile toggle switch to MP Off to remove the remote destination but not the remote destination profile. See “Add a Personal Phone” for details.
  8. Click Save when complete to implement the changes or Cancel to abort. Changes made in Self-service are automatically synchronized with Unified CM.

See also: “Bulk Modify Your Personal Phones” for information on how to bulk modify multiple personal phones.