Accessing Self-service

  1. Obtain the address (URL) of your Self-service Web pages, as well as your User ID and Password from your administrator.

  2. Browse to the website address provided, for example:

    https://<Hostname>/selfservice/#/login?theme=[your_theme] (login).

    You can also set the language setting for your Login Page by appending the appropriate parameter values to the URL, provided the language is installed, for example:


    With this example, if [your_theme] = voss_theme, then your Self-service interface is displayed in the VOSS theme, and the text on your Login page will be displayed in English. Contact your administrator for details on which theme to include.

  3. Enter your User ID or Email address and Password in the appropriate fields:

    • For standard login, when logging in use the following format:

      {User ID or Email}

      The hierarchy is in dot notation and corresponds with the hierarchy to which the user belongs. The hierarchy level is the level at which the user is created.

      The hierarchy on the login form is prefixed with sys.hcs, for example, sys.hcs.MyProvider.MyReseller.MyCustomer.MySite.

    • When logging in with LDAP credentials, the username is in the format:

      {user ID}[@hierarchy]

      {user ID} corresponds to the log in attribute name (for example email address, user principal name, sAMaccountName). The log in attribute name is configured in the Authentication attribute of the LDAP device connection associated with this hierarchy.

      @hierarchy is not required when the user ID corresponds to the user’s email address.

      The hierarchy is in dot notation and corresponds with the hierarchy to which the user belongs. The hierarchy level is the level at which the user is created.

      The hierarchy on the login form is prefixed with sys.hcs, for example, sys.hcs.MyProvider.MyReseller.MyCustomer.MySite.

  4. If displayed in the login screen banner, read the Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy.

  5. Click Login or press Enter to log in to Self-service. Once you have logged in, your landing page is displayed.

The appearance of your landing page depends on how your administrator has configured Self-service. See ‘User Interface’ for more information about the landing page. If you are logging in for the first time, you may be prompted to change your password. See ‘First Login’ for details.

SSO users with the relevant SSO identity provider credentials use a login URL in the format below, where {SSO login URI} is the Login URI for the IdP:

http://<Hostname>/sso/{SSO login URI}/login

Note that Logout and Password Reset Questions menu items are not available for SSO users. For detailed information about logging out from an identity provider (IdP) initiated session, see the relevant user documentation for the specific identity provider.