Accessing Minimal Mode

Once configured by your administrator, you can log in to Self-service Minimal Mode:

  1. Obtain the address (URL) of your Self-service Web pages, as well as your User ID, Email and Password from your administrator.

  2. Browse to the website address provided, for example:

    https://<Hostname>/selfservice/#/login?theme=[your_theme] (login).

    You can also set the language setting for your Login Page by appending the appropriate parameter values to the URL, provided the language is installed, for example:


    With this example, if [your_theme] = voss_theme, then your Self-service interface is displayed in the VOSS theme, and the text on your Login page will be displayed in English. Contact your administrator for details on which theme to include.

  3. Enter your User ID or Email address and Password in the appropriate fields:

    • For standard login, when logging in use the following format:

      {User ID or Email}

    • When logging in with LDAP credentials, the username is in the format:

      {user ID} - this corresponds to the login attribute name (for example email address, user principal name, sAMaccountName). The login attribute name is configured in the Authentication attribute of the LDAP device connection associated with this hierarchy.

  4. If displayed in the login screen banner, read the Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy.

  5. Tap Login or Enter to log in to Self-service Minimal Mode. Once you have logged in, your landing page is displayed.

Minimal Mode Features

If your administrator has assigned a Self-service Feature Display Policy to you that has enabled the Enable (CFWD Only) Minimal Mode, once you are logged in your Minimal Mode landing page is displayed:

  1. Theme. This is the Self-service theme set up for you by your administrator.

  2. User icon. Tap for your user options:

  3. Logged in user. Displays the logged in user.

  4. Forward all calls to voicemail. Select this check box to forward all calls to Voicemail and tap Apply changes.

    This disables the Forward all calls to field and recent numbers below.

  5. Forward all calls to. Enter the number to which you want to forward all your calls and tap Apply changes.

  6. X. Tap to clear this field.

  7. Forward to {number}. Displays the last three numbers to which you have forwarded calls.

    The most recent number is the first one, and it gets 'bumped down' each time you forward to a new number.

    Tap an existing number to automatically populate the field with this number.

  8. Apply changes. Tap to apply any of the above actions.

Change Password

  1. Enter your current password in the Current Password field.

  2. Enter your new password in the New Password field.

    While entering your new password, a password strength meter indicates the strength of your password.

    Make sure that your password includes the required characters and symbols.

  3. Confirm (re-enter) your password in the Repeat Password field.

  4. Tap Save Password to change your password.

Configure Your Password Reset Questions

  1. Choose the security question from the Question 1 drop-down list.

  2. Enter your answer to the above question in the Answer 1 field.


    You must provide a unique answer for each security question.

  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until you have configured the required number of security questions as determined by your administrator (maximum = 5).

  4. Enter your password in the Please enter your password field.

  5. Tap Submit when complete to configure your security questions and answers.

Reset Your Password


You can only reset your password if you have already provided answers to the security questions created by your administrator. See Configure Your Password Reset Questions if required.

If you forget your password while attempting to log in to Self-service Minimal Mode:

  1. Enter your User ID or Email address.
  2. Tap the I forgot my password? hyperlink located above the Login button.
  3. Answer the security questions provided.
  4. Type your new password in the New password field and repeat it in the Repeat password field.
  5. Tap Submit. Your password is changed.
  6. Tap Login if you want to attempt to log in again.