Field Reference for data/Alert

  • The field Title is indicated in bold. An asterisk * indicates the field is mandatory.
  • If the field Type is an array, its the Field Name has a .[n] suffix, where n is the array index placeholder.
  • Object and array names are listed to provide the context of fields.
  • If a field belongs to an object or an array, the full name is in dot separated notation.
  • Where cardinality is shown, the range is [MinItems..MaxItems].
  • If a field has a Default value, the value is shown.
  • If a field has a Pattern, the regular expression pattern is shown.
ID *  
Field Name alert_id
Description The unique ID of the alert
Type String
Code *  
Field Name alert_code
Description The code of the alert
Type String
Category *  
Field Name alert_category
Description The category of the alert
Type String
Field Name alert_severity
Description The severity of the alert
Type String
Choices [“Error”, “Warning”, “Info”]
Field Name alert_message
Description The message describing the alert
Type String
Field Name alert_count
Description The number of times this alert has occurred
Type Integer
Latest Alert  
Field Name alert_timestamp
Description The last time this alert occurred
Type String
Format date-time