Web Certificate Commands

The following Command Line Interface console display shows the available commands for web certificates.

web cert add <filename>               - Install the certificate from <filename>
                                        into the web server
web cert add_san <filename>           - Install a SAN certificate from <filename>
                                        into the web server
web cert del                          - Revert to a self-signed certificate
web cert details                      - Print the certicate details in config
web cert details edit                 - Update the certicate details in config
web cert gen_csr                      - Create a CSR file in
web cert gen_selfsigned               - Generate a self-signed certificate
web cert print_csr                    - Create a CSR file in
web cluster prepnode                  - Prepares the system so that it can be
                                        joined to a cluster as a web proxy
web ssl list                          - Shows a list of the supported SSL protocols, and their current state
web ssl enable <protocol>             - Enable an SSL protocol
web ssl disable <protocol>            - Disable an SSL protocol
web weight add <server:port> <weight> - Modify the weights of an upstream
                                        service. Higher weights will serve
                                        more requests, while 0 will only be
                                        used if no other servers are available
web weight del <server:port>          - Delete the user-defined service weight
                                        and use the system default.
web weight list                       - Display the weights of upstream services