Hunt Group Data Export

Filename: <YYYY-MM-DD_HHMM>_hunt_group.json.gz


provider_name Name of the Provider string v2
reseller_name Name of the Reseller string v2
customer_name name of the customer string v1
division_name Intermediate Node (e.g Division or other node) string v1
hierarchy The full hierarchy path for the item being exported string v1
location_name Site Name string v1
hunt_group_name Name assigned to the hunt group string v1
pilot_number the internal number assigned as the pilot for the hunt group (as configured in the PBX) string v1
E164 the external number (Full E164 format) assigned as the pilot for the hunt group (as configured in the PBX) string v1
lines Array of objects containing line information array v1
lines.cucm_dn Internal Number assigned to the device profile (as configured in the PBX) string v1
lines.E164Members Array of E164 numbers and ranges assigned to pilot_number in the case of N-1 mapped lines string v4
lines.E164Members.e164_number E164 number in the case of N-1 mapped lines string v4
lines.E164Members.e164_range E164 range of lines.E164Members.e164_number in the case of N-1 mapped lines string v4
partition The route partition to which the Hunt Pilot number belongs string v2
line_group_name Name of the line group string v2

(* marked fields are new in version 2)

(** marked fields are new in version 4)

  "division_name": "",
  "location_name": "",
  "hierarchy": "sys.hcs.CS-P.CS-AB.AB_Group",
  "lines": [
      "cucm_dn": "8201101",
      "line_group_name": "EKB-5166-LG"
* "partition": "Cu1Si5-Feature-PT",
  "hunt_group_name": "EKB-5166-HL",
  "E164": "",
* "reseller_name": "CS-AB",
  "pilot_number": "8201110",
* "provider_name": "CS-P",
  "customer_name": "AB_Group"
  "division_name": "AB-C",
  "location_name": "CL1-AB-C-Berlin",
  "hierarchy": "sys.hcs.CS-P.CS-AB.AB_Group.AB-C.CL1-AB-C-Berlin",
  "lines": [],
** "E164Members": [
**    "e164_number": "\\+495557000",
**    "e164_range": "10"
* "partition": "Cu1Si6-Feature-PT",
  "hunt_group_name": "cj-hl-test-01",
  "E164": "\\+495557000",
* "reseller_name": "CS-AB",
  "pilot_number": "8217500",
* "provider_name": "CS-P",
  "customer_name": "AB_Group"