
Backups represent a snapshot of the system, including database, configuration and system applications. Backups can be created manually, scheduled automatically, or created automatically when the system is upgraded.


In a multinode environment, database backups are created from the highest priority secondary database node, thereby reducing the system load on the primary database node.

Use the database config command to check the secondary node priority.

These backups are encrypted and can be stored on the local file system, or to a remote network location. The encryption key is needed to delete, export, restore and create a backup.

Off-site (non-local) backups are recommended, because this reduces the risk of sabotage or disk failures causing a loss of information.

There is no direct requirement for VMware snapshots. If VMware snapshots are used, also refer to the topic on VMware Snapshot Maintenance.

For examples of backup maintenance commands and output, refer to the topics on Scheduling and Create a Backup.

If the VOSS-4-UC node is not recoverable, due to for example a hardware failure, a new node can be deployed and an existing backup restored to restore the node to service.