WebEx Field Reference

Title Field Type Description
Type* type The type of WebEx server. It can be Cloud-Based.
Protocol* protocol The protocol that is used for communication with the WebEx server The protocol can either be ‘https’ or ‘http’.
Address* address The address of the WebEx server. For example, Site-name.webex.com.
Port port The port that is used for communication with the WebEx server.
Site Name site_name The name of the site to be managed. This name is typically the same as the start of the WebEx address. This field is mandatory if Site ID is not specified.
Site Id site_id An Id for the site being managed, typically received from the Cisco WebEx Site Provisioning group. This field is mandatory if Site Name is not specified.
Partner Id partner_id Partner ID typically received from the Cisco WebEx Site Provisioning group.
Partner Credentials partner_ credentials_ override Partner credentials to use for this set of connection parameters.
REST URI* rest_uri The relative URI of the XML service of the WebEx server. For example, WBXService/XMLService
WebEx webex_id The WebEx Id of an administrator of the site. This is used to connect to to the server for administrative tasks such as adding or deleting users.
Email email A valid email for the administrator. Required if no WebEx Id is provided.
Password* password The password for the administrator with the supplied WebEx Id.
Version version Supported WebEx server versions. The supported server versions can either be ‘27.00’ or ‘29.13’.